Chapter 26

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I wake up with a slamming headache. I look around and see that I'm in an Erudite cell.

I am laying on a bed with blue sheets, and there's a small, blue toilet in the corner, and the walls are made of blue Sheetrock, and glass. The door is blue wood, and has an electronic lock. I can see through the glass into the cell next to mine. It's Tobias.

He's beaten up, and asleep. Minutes later a guard comes into each of our cells and puts us in handcuffs. We are then taken to a door that says LAB. Uh Oh. As soon as I get into the lab, I am slammed on a metal exam table and tied to it.

The ropes are thick, itchy, and strong. I the table is leaned forward so I'm in a standing position. When I look ahead of me, I see Tobias tied up in a chair. He has to watch me be in pain.

Someone comes from behind me and injects the serum into my neck. As soon as they do, the WORST searing, burning, itching pain begins in my feet, and travels up my spine.

I scream out in agony, and Tobias is thrashing in the chair, trying to get to me, trying to save me. As soon as the pain gets to my head, I feel weightless.

I feel like I'm dying. I scream and thick, red, blood comes spraying out of my mouth. After that, it's over. I am moved across the room, to where Tobias was, because now he's on a table like me.

I have to watch this. I don't want to watch this. As soon as the serum is injected into his neck, his eyes glaze over, and he begins thrashing on the table.

He screams, and He tries to arch his back, which can only mean one thing: Caleb set up the serum to simulate Marcus's beatings, and the pain I felt. I swear, when I get out of here, I'm going to kill Caleb.

I can still feel the bulge of my gun in my jacket, which is good. I wonder if they ever do weapons searches. The last time I was captured here, they didn't take my gun, either.

Soon, Tobias comes out of the simulation, and he begins to thrash around on the table. We are now taken back to the cells. A serum is injected in my neck, black spots begin to dance in My vision, and that's when the world becomes black.

When I wake up, I am tied to a chair, and Tobias is also tied to a chair next to me. I look up, and Maddie is tied to a metal exam table in front of us.

Caleb comes out from behind the table, and says "Here. I am going to give you the worst fear you can face. Watching your daughter die." With that, he laughs, and injects a serum in her neck.

"NO!!! CALEB, NO!!!" I scream, and thrash around In the chair. I look down, and see a bobby pin on my belt loop. I take it, and bend it, making it straight. I rub it on the rope, and it thins. It breaks, and I get up. I take the gun from my jacket, and shoot the guards at the door.

I shoot Caleb in each shoulder, and grab Maddie. She is still, but you can still hear her heartbeat. I run over to Tobias and untie him. He races to the computer and disables the file labeled "Eaton Children Serum". I look up, and Peter walks in the door, and tells us that it's just a paralyzation serum. Thank God.

We run and Peter takes us to a garbage shoot at the end of a hall. "Go. This is the only way out." He says, and he opens the door. We slide down the shoot, and end up on Michigan Street, right by the train tracks. Peter runs with us, and we hop on the train. I clutch Maddie close, and sit down in the train car. We made it.

Next Stop, Dauntless Infirmary. Maddie and the other kids need a doctor. "Thanks, Peter." I say. He nods his head. "You're Welcome." He says.

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