Chapter 27

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When we get back to Dauntless, and go to the infirmary, I realize how long we've been gone. We've been gone two days.

We run into the infirmary, and see Christina. Maddie now stirs, but doesn't wake up. "Mama!!!" She cries, her eyes still closed. She's having a nightmare.

"Christina! We need help! My brother injected Maddie with paralyzation serum, and she could die!" I squeak. "Oh My God. WILL! WE NEED A GURNEY!" She shouts.

Seconds later, a gurney comes around and takes her away. We follow, and when we reach the room, a doctor turns and says "Excuse Me, but you need to stay out." "I'm her mother, I need to be there with her!" I say. "Do you want her to die?" He says, and then slams the door shut.

We wait for hours, and a doctor finally comes out. "She is in Critical condition, and needs rest. You may not go in until tomorrow." He says, and I begin to cry. I lay my head on Tobias's shoulder, and cry in it. We see Will walking through the hallway. "Will. Where are Olivia and Hunter?" I ask, hoping that they can go home.

"I'm sorry, Tris, but Hunter and Olivia cried so much with the serum transmitter that Caleb placed on them, that they became ill, and are slowly recovering." He says, frowning. I let the tears flow again, since they had stopped for a brief moment.

He picks me up, and carries me bridal style back home, where he lays me on the couch and comforts me. He begins to cry, too.

We spend the rest of the night crying away our miseries.

•Later that night, around 8:00pm.•

As I'm walking to the kitchen, someone knocks on the door. I open it, and see a Candor woman, who looks a little like Christina.

She doesn't say anything, she just hands me an envelope, and walks away. I shut the door, and walk back to the couch, where Tobias sits. It's not then until I get a closer look at what it is.

It reads:

Caleb Prior Court Appointment

You and your husband are being asked to take the stand to testify against him. You were one of his victims. You must attend.

Come to:

Candor Court #4

Gavel Ct, Chicago Illinois.

October 13, 2114.

10:00 am.

Well, I guess Caleb will finally pay for what he did. What he did, was a crime against humanity.

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