Chapter 14

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I kiss the kids and Tobias goodbye as I leave for my meeting. It is in Dauntless, so I don't have to go far.

I walk by the chasm, And through a connection tunnel, that takes me to another ring of Dauntless.


"That Concludes the Meeting." Cara, the Erudite Representative says. Everyone begins to shake hands, and leave.

I walk to the Abnegation section. A woman with long, blonde hair in a bun turns when she sees me.

It's Susan Black. "Hey Susan." I say, waving. "Excuse my rudeness, but, do I even know you?" She says, a concentrated look on her face.

"It's me. Tris Prior." I say, hoping that 'Tris' will give enough away.

"Beatrice? That's you? How have you been? Are You married? Excuse my curiosity. This is not very Abnegation of me." She says, putting her hand over her mouth, and noticing the ring on my finger, still staring at it.

"Well, it's me. I've been great. I'm married to Four, and I have triplets, two girls and a boy, Maddie, Olivia, and Hunter." I say, smiling, thinking about my perfect family.

"Aww! You have such a wonderful life!" She says. "I'm not married, but I'm dating my friend, Andy. He was an Amity." She says, sighing, and pursing her lips. "Good." I say.

"Well, I must be going. Four's probably wondering where I am." I say. I run out of the meeting room, and to the train tracks.

The train horn blares, and I begin to run. I hop up, and slam my hand on the 'Open' button. I swing myself in, and sit down.

The main entrance to Dauntless is just a few blocks away, so I shouldn't be in this train long.

I see the building just a couple of blocks away, and jump. I land on my feet with a thud, but I'm okay.

I run to the hole in the building, and step up. I breathe in, and jump.


That's the sound I hear as I fall. I hit a hard object, and immediately know that it's the net. I smile, and get out.

"First Jumper, Tris!" I say, and walk in the direction of the apartment.

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