Chapter 11

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Our computer hangs on the wall, and looks just like a TV from far off.

I walk to the computer, and find FaceTime. I tap Caleb's name.

Caleb Prior:

Erudite Professor


Caleb insisted that that be his name, because it sounds cooler. It's hard to make Erudite sound cool.

I see Caleb's face fly on the screen, and he is wearing small, round glasses. "Professor Caleb Prior, Ambassador to Jeanine Matthews speaking. Oh, Hey Little Sis." He says.

"Hi. Caleb, would you be interested in coming tomorrow at eleven to see your niece and nephew?" I ask.

"Hmmm. I would, but I have a meeting. It starts at ten and ends at one." He says, looking at his tablet called "EruTab 1000", glasses askew.

"Caleb F-ing Prior! You can't even come to see your first niece and nephew, because all you F-ing care about is your F-ing work! I'm done! Either come or don't!" I say, throwing my hands up in defeat.

"Well," he says, pulling his jacket forward, "I guess I could call in sick, and come." He says.

"Okay. Mom and Dad will be here, too. So, you'll get to see them." I say.

He nods his head, smiling. "And Caleb, don't start a fight with my husband, or me. Don't start a fight with Mom and Dad, either." I say, with a smile.

"Okay!" He says, throwing his hands up in mock defense. "Bye." I say, laughing. "Bye." He says.

I go and plop down on the couch. I have a huge day tomorrow. Tobias comes, and sits next to me.

"What'd they say?" He asks, throwing his arm around me. "They said that they'd be over tomorrow at eleven." I say, running my hand through my hair.

"Caleb, Too." I add. Tobias just sighs. "I don't think your brother likes me." He says. I laugh. "He hates Every boy that comes near me!" I say.

Tobias and I decide to watch some old movie called Cars. We brought Maddie and Hunter's playpens in so they could watch it, too.

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