Chapter 5

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1 Week Later.

Tomorrow is the big day. I can't wait. The only thing is, Tobias and I can't see each other. We have our Bachelor and Bachelorette parties to go to. I told Will, Uriah, and Zeke to not let Tobias drink any alcohol, though, because the last thing we need on our wedding day is a hungover Tobias.

Right now I'm at Christina and Will's Apartment. Chris said that we have to have the party at her place. She said that she wanted to do more decorating.

Poor Tobias is stuck at Uriah and Zeke's place. I feel bad for him. Mostly because he is stuck for a whole night with Uriah. I laugh at the thought. "What's so funny?" Chris asks. She is one month pregnant and Has some really bad mood swings and morning sickness. "Oh nothing. I was just thinking about Four being stuck with Will, Zeke, and most of all, Uriah, for a whole night." I say. Chris laughs too. Must be another mood swing.

My Dad and Caleb would ruin the party, so they are just coming tomorrow. My mom just said that she didn't want to join us, and mess up our party.

••• Time Warp to Party •••

As soon as Lauren, Shauna, Mar, Lynn, and Tori get to Christina's place, we start the party. We watch some really old movie, The Fault In Our Stars, (it's the future), and we all end up sobbing. To get our minds off that, we decide to open my presents.

I pick up a medium sized, black box, from Tori, and open it. Inside is a framed picture of Tobias and I when we first publicly kissed, at the Dauntless Initiates welcoming Banquet. I have tears in my eyes. I remember that day. "Thanks so Much, Tori! It's beautiful!!" I say. "This is going to hang in our house." I add.

The rest of the girls got me lingeries, which weren't really for me. At least Shauna had some Decency, and got me a Blender, Food Processor, and a package of paper plates, compliments of Zeke. There is a note attached to the paper plates.


Hope you enjoy the plates!! I hope you have a Happy Marriage! Dauntless or Bust!!

Take Care of Four for me!


Wow! That's so Zeke. I laugh, and soon everyone's laughing. "Thanks, Shauna!" I manage to get out, in between fits of laughter.

Tobias POV

I am opening up presents right now. I open up the one from Uriah, and look at it closely. It is my very own salt and pepper shakers.

"Uriah. These are mine." I say. Everyone laughs. "Yeah, but that's not it, dumbass." Uriah says, causing everyone to laugh more. I turn them over, and realize that Four is written on the pepper, and Six is written on the salt. "Thanks." I tell him. "You'd better take good care of those. That cost 5 Dauntless Credits to be done." He says. We all laugh. Will and Chris got us a Waffle-maker, and Zeke and Shauna got us a comforter set, and some sheets. "Thanks Zeke." I say.

The Next Day.

Tris POV

I can't believe I get to become Mrs. Tobias Eaton today! Right Now, Chris is doing my makeup, everyone else is ready but me. I have my hair curled, and it's down. I have a slight smokey eye, with some shimmery lip gloss. I am in my dress, wearing some 5 inch stilettos that Chris made me wear. I look in the mirror at myself. I actually look pretty. We go and wait to walk down the aisle.

My dad shows up, and links his arm with mine. We walk down the aisle after everyone else. I see Tobias standing at the end of the aisle. My dad kisses my cheek, and walls to his seat. I stare into the blue orbs of eyes that Tobias has, and listen to the preacher. "I do." I say. "I do." Tobias says. "You may now kiss the bride." The preacher says, and We do just that. We pull back, and look at the crowd. "I am now proud to introduce Mr. And Mrs. Eaton!" The preacher says, and everyone cheers. I smile.

We go to the reception, and dance, cut the Dauntless Chocolate Wedding Cake, and talk. And once that's over, we make everyone but our friends, and my family leave.

"Everyone.. We are proud to announce that we are Expecting!" We say, and everyone. Is happy except for Caleb.

He is raging. "WHAT? THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS! MY LITTLE SISTER IS PREGNANT!?!? AND YOU! YOU DID THIS! YOU NUMBER BOY!!!" Caleb screams. "Caleb, calm down, we did it on purpose, and you just ruined my wedding!" I say, choking on tears. "I'm sorry." He says, looking down. "I forgive you. But Caleb, you have to remember that I'm growing up, and I can make my own decisions now, and just so you know, I'M MARRIED!!! Got it?!?" I say. "Yeah." He says. With that, we are bombarded with questions like: "how far along?", "is it a boy or a girl?", and "how many?!?". After we answer all of the questions, we all go to Zeke's to play a game of Candor or Dauntless.

1 Month Later

Today is our first doctors appointment. I am so excited. Tobias can't stop talking about it. Right now, we're walking through the doors to the infirmary, and Chris is waiting for us. "Eaton. Ultrasound." She calls out. We nod, and walk to the room. I lay on the metal table, and shiver because it's so cold. At this time, Will comes in, with a jar full of clear jelly, and a metal stick, that resembles a magic wand.

I lift up my shirt as Will says "Okay Four. Tris. I will be your doctor through the pregnancy. I am going to spread this on your stomach now.", and he gestures to the jelly in a clear jar in his hand. It isn't that cold whenever I feel it on my stomach. Chris rubs the wand on my stomach, and Will is looking at the screen. I wipe the jelly off of my stomach and look at the screen.

I hear sobs, and I'm scared. It's Will, and he turns around. "I'm so happy for you Tris! You're having triplets." He says, and Chris screams, hugging me. Tobias kisses me, and gives me a hug. I throw the napkin with the jelly on it away, thank Will, and we leave.

I smile all the way home. We aw having a party to tell everyone tonight.

Time Lapse.

"IF I DON'T KNOW YOU GET OUT NOW!" Zeke Yells, and everyone leaves, except for our friends. Time to make the announcement. "We have an announcement! We are having triplets!!!" I say, tears threatening to spill out of my eyes.

"Thanks for a great party, but we're going to leave." Tobias says, and we leave.

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