Chapter 29

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"Silence In the Court!" A Candor judge calls out. This is it.

Tobias and I walk to the front of the room, and stand by the Plaintiff's podium, made of black and white chiseled marble. Caleb glares daggers at us, and I glare back. I just challenged him.

1 Hour Later- I don't want to go all Judge Judy on You!

"The Jury has reached a verdict, sir!" A man from the jury comes out from a sleek, black, glass door.

Everyone has been on the stand- Tobias, My Dad, My Mom, Fernando, Cara, and other Erudite people, Zeke, and I. It's basically Caleb v.s. The city. I

The whole Jury emerges slowly from the black glass door, and goes back to their seats.

A Juror clears her throat, and says "We find the Defendant Guilty beyond a shadow of a doubt!" Caleb's head flies back, and he has pure rage in his eyes.

I had no idea that crime could do that to a person.

The Judge bangs his small, wooden gavel on the edge of his desk. "Punishment of the Death Penalty- He was set on killing many Divergents- who are just normal people; and we believe in a life for a life!" The Judge says.

"Execution will be held in Erudite, and Convict will be held under maximum security- for the protection of the public!" His officer adds.

I can see my parents fighting the tears; crying is extremely self-indulgent; therefore, they shouldn't be doing it.

Page Break---------------

When we get back to the Dauntless compound, Chris comes running toward me with the biggest grin on her face.

"What?" I ask, looking at her, while she's grinning like an idiot.

"Tris..," she trails off, "I'M GETTING MARRIED!!" She screeches, and hugs Tobias and I. "WillproposedwhilewewereeatingatthedauntlessdinerandIwaslikeOMG!" She quickly says, stopping afterward to take a breath.

"What? Chris, you really need to start using your words right!" I say, since I have no idea in hell of what she just said.

"I said: Will proposed while we were eating at the Dauntless Diner and I was like OMG!!" She repeats, just a little slower.

"Which means: SHOPPING!" She adds. "Noooo! I say, as she drags me away. "T-FOUR, HELP!!" I scream.

He just laughs, and waves at me. "Good Luck, Tris!" He says, before turning on the heel of his old, black combat boot, and walking in the direction of the apartment.


So Sorry I haven't updated, lately.

This book is not my top priority, since the things listed below are.

Thank You guys, for all of your support, and I'm still going to try to find time to update this book, and others.

Just please, give me some time. My 16th birthday is coming up, and I have all of these things called CBA's to take, and It's just, ya know, LIFE!

I got my whole set of Divergent Books signed by V. Roth!!!

Divergent: Collectors' Edition

Insurgent: Collectors' Edition



Can you believe it?!?!?

It was like:

Veronica: Are you a fan?

Me: •_______• yes!!! Isn't it obvious?!?

Veronica: laughs and nods head.

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