Chapter 38

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I wake up, and see that Tobias is still asleep beside me. He's only wearing his grey boxers, And shorts.

He sleeps on his stomach, with an arm draped across his head. His lips are parted, and he actually looks peaceful for once.

The only time that he looks his actual age is when he's asleep.

I carefully sit up, and slip out from underneath the covers, until I'm on the floor. I then walk to the kitchen, and begin to make a pot of coffee.

I also make three omelets- two large ones for Tobias and I, and another large one for the three kids.

I make the mix, which consists of three eggs, a red bell pepper, a green bell pepper, half an onion, and a half cup of ham.

Once the pan gets hot, I pour the mix in, and let it cook. Meanwhile, the coffee is finished, so I pour it into our two coffee mugs.

I set down our coffee mugs at the table, and then I set out two plates, napkins, forks, and knives.

I walk back to the stove, and flip the omelets. After I finish flipping them, Tobias comes out of the bedroom, his eyes wide.

I swear on the chasm, it's like my husband has a food sensor. "Food?" He asks, and looks around the room, then adds, "where are the kids?"

"Well, I haven't waken up the kids yet, and yes, I'm making omelets." I say. He nods, and then sits down at the table.

He holds onto his fork in one hand, and his knife in the other, a tight Grip on each one.

He's drooling, as well.

I chuckle at this. "Babe, you're drooling." I say, and he wipes his face.


Once we have eaten, and woken up the kids, we get ready for the kids' doctor appointments. One year checkups.

I go and dress the two girls, while Tobias dresses Hunter. Once the kids are dressed, we head out.

While we are walking through the dark, damp, and cold hallways of the pit, we see Shauna.

She's sitting against a wall, crawled up in a small ball, crying. In fact, her body is shaking from the sobs. I look at Tobias, and he looks back at me, worry filling his eyes.

"Shauna?" I ask, while walking over to her. She looks up, and then she stands up, and runs to me. She engulfs me in a hug, and cries on my shirt. The kids are looking at me and Shauna, and they begin to cry as well.

Tobias soothes them, but it's not working. "What's Wrong?!?" I ask Shauna. She leans back from the hug. "I'm," she starts, and hiccups, "I'm... Pregnant." She says, and then she goes and sits on the wall again.

"That's Great!" I say. "No, no, it's really not." She sighs, the tears gone, tear tracks stain her face, and her makeup is smeared.

"Why?" I ask, but as soon as I ask, I already know the answer. "Is it him?" I ask, referring to Zeke.

She probably doesn't want to hear his name right now. It might make her start crying again.

She just nods. "Well," I start. "You should go to Christina. She always knows what to do," I finish.

She nods, and walks in the direction of her apartment.

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