Chapter 6

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4 Months Later.

Today we get to find out the genders! I am so excited! Tobias can't stop talking about it, either. We are on our way to the infirmary to get the sonogram right now. "Tris! Let's make a bet. I bet that all will boys." Tobias says, and I jump. "Well, I say, um... A boy and two girls!" I say, as we walk into the infirmary.

I take a seat, as Tobias goes and signs us in. He walks over and plops down on an infirmary couch that smells distinctly of antiseptic and baby powder. "Eaton. Sonogram." Chris says, and we walk over to her.

We walk into the same room as last time, and Will is waiting for us. He grabs a spoonful of the clear jelly, and rubs it on my stomach. He waves the wand on my stomach, and goes to the screen, while Chris and Tobias hold my hands.

"The Babies are doing great! Would you like to know the genders?" Will asks. Tobias and I nod out heads. "Well, it looks like you're having a boy and two girls!" Will says.

"Ha!" I say, and point to Tobias. He just shakes his head. "That's the first bet that I've ever lost!" He says, and Christina is screaming, while she prints a sonogram picture. "I'm so excited!" I say. "We need names!" Tobias says. I nod.

I wipe the jelly off of my stomach, and we leave. Time to think of some names.


Here are the names we came up with:





Tobias Jr.








I'm leaning towards Hunter for the boy, and Olivia and Maddie for the girls.

I can't wait until the babies are born.

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