Chapter 44

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Chapter 44

Double Tobias!

One Month Later.

*Warning: Mild Sexual Content*

Today is Cara and Caleb's wedding. I'm kind of scared; I haven't been back to Erudite since they kidnapped my family and I.

I'm laying in bed right now though, looking. At Tobias's sexy face. "Thanks, and staring is not nice." He says, eyes still shut.

I groan, and get out of bed. "I'm going to wake up the kids," I say, but before I can get away from the bed, Tobias drags me back down to lay on top of him, and kisses me.

I run a hand over his fully exposed six pack, earning a moan from him.

He runs his hand up and down my back, making my shirt move up, until it's over my head, leaving me without a shirt or bra on.

We kiss, and it soon becomes french kissing, where our tongues begin to play with each other, but then, all of our clothes lie stretched across the floor.

Just as we were about to have sex, as if to ruin the moment, my parents walk into the house. Shit.

I never should have given them that key. "Beatrice? We were coming to ask if you guys were ready for the wedding." My father says.

Our door is open. If they look in at any moment, they'll see. We quickly throw the blankets over us, and I silently pray that they'll leave.

"Pretend to be asleep," I whisper while sliding off of him. He shuts his eyes, and parts his lips slightly, and I do the same.

Just about nine seconds after I shut my eyes, my parents, being as nosy as they are, they walk into our room.

"Aw," My mom says, "look Andrew, they're asleep." "Mhmmm." He says. "Let's go home." He finishes. "Okay." She says.

They shut our door, and leave. When I hear the front door open and shut, I immediately open my eyes, and so does Tobias. "To continue," I smirk.

I kiss him, and his hands trace every inch of my body. When he turns us over so he's on top, I trace his faction tattoos, and the flames on his back.

He moans, and moves his hands so that they cover my breasts, making me moan.

Things go places, and we end up having sex.


"I do," Caleb says, looking at Cara, pure love visible in his eyes. She smiles at him, the tears dripping off of her face like water dripping out of a faucet.

"Do you, Cara Hughes, take Caleb Prior to be your lawfully wedded husband, through sickness and health, 'til death do you part?" The officiator says.

"I do," she says, crying.

"May we have the rings?" He asks, and a small Erudite child with glasses walks up to them, and hands them to Caleb. "Thanks, TJ." He says, ruffling the kid's hair.

He slides the ring on Cara's finger, and she slides the ring into Caleb's finger.

"I now pronounce you husband and wife." He says.

"You may kiss the bride," he finishes. Caleb does just that.

He leans in, and kisses Cara firmly on the lips, before picking her up, and carrying her bridal style, out of the room.

They got married in a science lab. Go figure.


After we get back to Dauntless, we put the kids to bed, and we hop into the bed, and go to sleep ourselves.

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