Chapter 28

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It's 9:35. We're on our way to court. The kids still can't have visitors, but they suspect that Maddie should be out in a few days. Right now, I'm sitting in the train with Tobias, who's arms are wrapped around me.

It's cool outside, but sometimes warm. The perfect weather. It's the most perfect thing happening for our family right now. I just wish that the Erudite would just leave us alone.

I start to cry, thinking about how whenever my life starts to get good, and then everything falls down again. "Shhhh. Honey, it'll be okay. We'll be fine, and the kids are going to fight through it." He says, and kisses my head. I lean into him, and breathe in his scent.

I get up, and look out of the train car. I can very vaguely see the Merciless Mart in the distance, meaning that the Candor Headquarters aren't far away.

That also means that the Candor Smart-Mouths aren't that far away, either. Recently, a larger population of Candor members have been smoking cigars and cigarettes.

I find those things disgusting. But, apparently, they don't. "Tobias. Come on, get ready. We're gonna have to jump!" I say, trying to get his attention.

His head snaps up, and he gets up. He walks to where I am, and says "Three... Two... One... JUMP!!!"

When that is said, I push my toes off of the edge of the car, and soar through the air like a bird, until I land on my feet, and steady myself. Here we go. Time for Caleb to face what he has done.

We walk into the Merciless Mart, and look around for a person who can help us.

As if someone were reading my thoughts, a tall, filled-out brunette girl with too much makeup, who looks to be about twenty three, comes up to us. She looks at me like someone in her way.

"How may I help you?" She says, while drawing shapes on Tobias's chest with her finger. I'm getting mad.

Tobias sees this, and smirks. He leans in close to her, and she puckers up her lips, just as Tobias gives her a nice uppercut to the jaw.

"Get a Life! This girl standing right next to me is my wife!!" He shouts. "Ugh." She says, and walks off. She deserved it.

We walk around until we see a man in his mid-forties. "Hi, I'm can you help my husband and I? We're looking for the courtrooms." I say, adding that Tobias is my husband, because you can never be too sure.

The man nods, and leads us down a long hallway, until we see a fancy black and white door with a sign on it.

It reads: CASE OF: CALEB PRIOR. I take a deep breath and clutch Tobias's hand.

I twist the big, fancy doorknob, and take a step In, just to see the same Caleb who tried to murder Tobias and I. In handcuffs, and Candor Clothes.

My parents are there, too. They sit there, looking angry. I take a seat by them, with Tobias next to me. "Hey, Mom and Dad." I say.

They smile. "Hello, Beatrice. Can you believe him? Your brother is even more evil than a I thought! Such selfishness!!" My father says, shaking his head in disapproval. I have to try to hold back a laugh. That's so my dad. All about the selflessness.


Sorry I haven't updated. I have had so much homework, and I took the PSAT. My brain was fried! So, I'll try to update more this week, but I'm not promising anything.

We are working on the constant rate of change 🔺, with the formula (y=kx). So I probably won't be able to update that much this week.

Sorry!! Please keep reading this story, though!

braveNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ