Chapter 25

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Tobias and I walk to the train tracks and wait for the train horn. We hear it, and begin running. I jump on, and Tobias is in less than 5 seconds after me.

"Okay. We need a plan. We can't just walk into Erudite Headquarters, and demand to get our child back." I say, sitting down in the train car, since it will be a long ride to Erudite.

"Yeah. We can't do that. That's why I brought this." Tobias says, pulling a piece of thick paper from the inside of his jacket.

He unfolds it, and waves his hand over it. It immediately becomes a 3-Dimensional model of Erudite Headquarters. He taps a few things, and makes a route of how we should go in.

"New Control Room technology." He says. We talk about our plan until we reach Erudite.


We walk into Erudite, and since we are leaders, ask if we can speak to Professor Caleb Prior, Erudite Leader.

We make it to his office, and take out the guns that we brought, and demand for the return of our child, and the serum transmitters placed in our children to be shut down.

If we don't succeed, we will go back to Dauntless, and bring Uriah, Zeke, and Lynn back to Erudite with us, and sneak attack the Erudite.

By the time we finish discussing the plan, we have arrived at Erudite. We jump off of the train, and walk to the library, receiving many dirty looks from small eyes behind big, round glasses.

I step up to the desk. I slam a hand on the desk, and the man looks up from his book, glasses askew. "Excuse me?" He says with a snobby tone.

"We are Dauntless leaders, and we need to speak to the head leader of Erudite." I say. He nods his head, and points to an elevator across the room.

Shit. Tobias is afraid of small spaces. "We'd prefer to use stairs." I say. He points behind him, to a blue door labeled STAIRWELL.

We walk to the door and open it. As soon as the door shuts, Tobias stops me. "Thanks." He says. "Your Welcome. Now. Let's go get our kid back." I say.

We march up the stairs until we reach floor 8. Here goes nothing. I walk up to Caleb's office door, Tobias right behind me. I open it, and Celeb looks up.

"Oh Hello Beatrice! You should have called before you came. I would have arranged for us to have a dinner." He says.

"Cut the Act. We saw you on the security cameras. We know you have our children, and have been injecting them with serum that does who knows what to them!" I reply sharply.

I pull out my gun, and hold it straight to his chest. Tobias stands guard at the door. He turns his head, not wanting to watch me shoot him. "Tris I-" he starts, but I cut him off by punching him in the neck.

"I don't care what you think! Give me back my child and shut the program down. NOW!" I scream, tears running down my face.

He says something and I hear gunshots. But everything sounds distant. My ears are ringing. Burning, even. I have to find my child.

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