Chapter 30

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It's CHAPTER 30 GUYS!!!! I can't believe I made it this far!!! Anyways, here's your story!

Christina and I have been shopping for bridal dresses with Mar and Shauna for three hours. It's EXHAUSTING.

Right now, while I'm starting to worry about the kids, Chris and Shauna are arguing over what color flatters the nail polish of their choice better.

Seriously! Does it even matter?

I got a black, thick strapped, knee length dress for the ceremony. I'm her maid of honor. The rest of the girls haven't seen "The Dress of Their Dreams" as they call it. Christina has even found her dress!

Lynn has found her dress, and now we're sitting in a room with tons of mirrors, while Chris helps Shauna find her dress.

I look to my right, where a mirror hangs on the wall. It still feels weird to look at myself; it feels wrong.

The room is brightly lit, and has many comfortable, soft, black leather chairs. Dauntless Bridal is one of the most expensive stores in Dauntless.

As time passes, I grow weary of the kids. Christina is taking way too long to help pick out the last dress.

Maybe, just maybe, I can trick her into letting me go see the kids in the hospital!

I walk up to her, and she turns away from the rack of dresses she's looking at. "What?" She asks, clearly annoyed. She's been having some BAD moods lately. "Chris. I need to leave. I need to see the kids. They're in the hospital, remember?" I say.

She nods, and I walk away from her. While I'm walking out, Marlene bumps into me.

"Where are you going? Shauna hasn't found her dress yet!" She exclaims. "I know Mar, but the kids need me. They're still in the hospital!" I tell her.

She just nods her head rapidly, and then goes back to looking at racks of clothes, one hand on her baby bump, gently massaging it.

She is about two months pregnant, and is having some weird food cravings. For example, just an hour ago, she yelled about how much she needed sushi.

Weird, Right? The mood swings are even worse. You have to watch your words around her.

I continue to walk down the hallways. I really had to get out of Dauntless Bridal.

I walk through the dark, dim hallways of the pit, and head towards the metal staircase that will lead me to the Infirmary.

As I shuffle through the rocky hallways, I sense someone is walking behind me. I hear heavy footsteps. "Hello?" I ask, now scared, getting ready to fight.

No answer, and the footsteps stop. I continue walking towards the infirmary, and then someone attacks me... With Tickles. Tickles? I elbow them in what I think is their stomach, but turned out to be their ribs.

"Ouch." I hear the person say. It sounds distinctly like... Uriah! "Uri?" I ask. "Yeah. I was just trying to prank you!" He says, very disappointedly. He actually sounds hurt. "Sorry!" I say.

I get up, and wipe the dirt and dust from my black pants. "Uriah, you want to come with me to see the kids in the hospital?" I inquire.

"Four already took the kids out of the hospital.we should head to the apartment. He says its a surprise. So act surprised." He says. That's so the classic Uriah-always ruining the surprises.

I nod, and we head off in the direction of the apartment.

While we're walking, we see Zeke. Although, this is a different Zeke. He's wearing a yellow and blue striped, come shaped, party hat. He has a bottle of Dauntless soda in his hand.

Dauntless soda is actually just an orangey flavor of the Erudite soda. I can't stand their soda. I have no idea how they can even eat that food, and worse-stomach the soda.

When he sees us, he quickly takes off the party hat, and throws it directly in the chasm. Then, he runs away, the bottle of soda still in his hand.

He must be warning Tobias that his cover's been blown, and that the surprise party-deal is off.

Uriah and I make small talk the rest of the trip to the apartment, and we finally make it there, Uriah just finishing an awkward conversation about the reproductive system.

I walk up to our door, which is right underneath a small, turquoise blue lantern, which hangs from the ceiling.

Streamers hang from the door, with a sign that says:

Welcome Home Tris!

I was only gone for three hours. It's not like I was gone for a month. Uriah pokes me in the arm continuously, saying that I need to open the door, which I do. I grab the knob, and open it.

When I step inside, what I see is shocking. More shocking than you can imagine.

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