Chapter 2

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I wake up in the morning, to see Tobias staring at me while I was asleep. I also have a slamming headache, must have had too much to drink last night.

"Morning." Tobias says. "Good Morning." I say. Suddenly I feel like I'm gonna be sick. I rush to the toilet, and make it just in time. "Oh Baby." Tobias says as he walks in. He pulls my hair back, and says "I'm gonna go get some clothes." And then, after I stop throwing up, I feel like there's a draft in here. I look down, and of course, I have no clothes on.

I don't want to be pregnant yet. I look at Tobias, and see that he has left, And also brought some clothes for me. Thank God! I get dressed, and when I walk out of the bathroom, I see Tobias standing there. "Ready?" He asks. "Yep!" I say.

Together, we walk down to the pit, where the apartments are being given. All of the initiates are lined up on a stage in the pit.

I walk up, and stand first in line. Max comes to me with a small, wooden box, and that is when Tobias walks up, and stands behind me.

He grips my shoulders, as Max hands us a key. Apartment Number 4610. I smile when I see it. We walk to it. It is very nice.

You walk into the living room, off of the living room is a kitchen/dining room with a bar, stainless steel appliances, and next to the doorway to the kitchen, is a long hallway.

Off of the hallway is a master bedroom, 3 other bedrooms, an office, with a desk, and each bedroom has it's own bathroom. There is also a hallway that leads to another bathroom off of the living room. Also, off of the living room, Is an extra guest room.

All of the furniture is already here, including pillow top mattresses in each bedroom, and a fully stocked pantry, and refrigerator.

There are also a bunch of dishes in the cabinets. This house is twice as big as Tobias's, so he is going to sell his apartment for some extra cash.

Then, we can buy decorations for the new house.

We decided that since job training doesn't start until next week, that we would just chill here. We actually have a whole 7 days to ourselves. We decide to go sell his apartment.

We go to Lauren's Apartments, a very nice apartment store, managed by Lauren herself.

We get a good $2500 for his apartment, since it is one of the nicest in Dauntless. Now, we both just want to relax, so we're going to go to the chasm.

When we reach the chasm, I sit down on one of the rocks. Tobias sits down. I turn my head to make sure no one is around, and when I turn back around, Tobias is on one knee. OMG!

"Beatrice Prior, ever since I saw that gray blur come down and land in that net, and when I saw your face, heard your voice, saw how you acted, I knew you were the one for me. So, will you do the honor of becoming my wife?" He asks. "Tobias, OF COURSE!" He beams, and I feel like my smile is too big to fit on my face.

He slips the ring on my finger, and I look at it. It is a silver band, with a big, black diamond in the center, and two smaller white diamonds on each side. It's perfect. I love it. I love Tobias.


The Next Day

Once we finish breakfast, Tobias and I decide to go to Abnegation, and Erudite, to tell my parents and Caleb about our marriage.

We hop on the train, and ride to Abnegation. I see it in the distance, and I smile. We hop off, and walk through Abnegation, and I finally find my parents' house.

We knock, and my mother answers. "Hello Beatrice." she says. "Hi Mom." I say. "I can't believe you came all the way across town to visit us. Caleb says that his studies take up most of his time, so he calls us and talks to us." She says, and then she adds, "Who's this?" "Oh this is Four. My Fiancé." Tobias waves. My mom pulls us inside, and sits us down.

My dad walks in as if on cue. He immediately notices the ring on my finger and Tobias. "Beatrice. When did this happen?" He says. "Yesterday. We are engaged now." I say as I look at Tobias. "You're marrying number boy?" "Yes Dad." He rubs his hands together, as he bounces on the balls of his feet. "Ok, well, good for you. What was I gonna- Oh, I have some news. Marcus was shot, and he is deceased. It all happened 2 days ago. I'm not really sure of what happened." My dad says.

I look at Tobias, and he actually looks happy. I can see why. We have a 'Grieving Moment', and then I look at Tobias. "Should we tell them?" I ask Tobias. He nods his head. "Mom. Dad. We also have something else to tell you. Four, here, is Marcus's son, Tobias. He transferred to Dauntless two years ago." I say, and Tobias nods.

I hug him, as my parents look at Tobias. "You do look like him." My dad says. "So you're marrying Tobias Eaton?" My mother asks. I nod my head, and Tobias kisses the top of my head. "Congrats!" My parents say.

We visit until we have to leave in order to get to Erudite and still have enough time to talk to Caleb. We walk out of my parents house, and through the streets of our old faction. We make it to the railroad tracks. We begin to run, when we see the train that is heading towards Erudite. I sit on the edge of the train, and let my legs swing over the edge.

• At Erudite •

We walk up to Caleb's blue, square house. #87532. I bang on the door. I wait a minute, and then I see a sleepy Caleb appear at the door. He is wearing some blue and white striped flannel pajamas, with a hat. I laugh.

He is rubbing his eyes, When he opens them, squints, and he sees Tobias, his eyes widen. He lets us inside, and we sit. He notices the ring on my finger, and I tell him exactly what I told my parents, except we leave out the whole 'Tobias Eaton' thing. "YOU'RE MARRYING NUMBER BOY?!?!?!" Caleb yells. "Yes."

I argue back and forth with him for at least ten minutes. "Fine Whatever." Caleb says, realizing that he can't win the argument. We talk with Caleb until it's time to leave. We walk out of his house, and run to the tracks. We hop on the train, and head for Dauntless.

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