Chapter 59.

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Now that the whole pregnancy thing with Noah was over and his dad was out of the picture for good and his mother was closer to him, Niall was beginning to get his life back on track. After all, he desperately needed to provide for Noah. It wasn't fair for Harry to do all the hard work, Niall needed to contribute as well. Although, really, Niall had somehow managed to fall into the categories of a baby-sitter to a house-wife. The latter seemed a bit offensive to Niall.

He started off by applying for top-graded universities. He was a straight A student after all and he deserved the best education possible. He had chosen phycology and sport science and, of course, music production and English as his choice of studies. It's always nice to have a wide range of choices. Next, he started applying for part-time jobs. Which, surprisingly, wasn't hard to get seeing as he had very little experience in the working-world - unless you count one year in working in a corner music store. He ended up working as at the till in their local supermarket, Tesco. He was able to get a three day a week shift - Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday - and the rest of the week. This worked out perfectly as it was close to home and easy to get to Noah if anything happened and it meant that he had the rest of the days for Uni and the weekend off to spend time with his family.

Now that he'd gotten a job, he was working on practicing his driving test. He had earned some extra money to go for lessons but during the weekends, Harry often took him out to teach him. They went to nearest retail park and took Harry's Landrover with them. They made sure to drop off Noah at Maura's beforehand though. Surprisingly, Niall was an okay learner and Harry was an okay teacher, just like he was back in high school. In fact, Harry was very patient with Niall, despite it was only his first time driving and Niall was very thankful for this.

Once they had parked in the retail park, they switched sides so that Niall was in the drivers seat and Harry was in the passengers. Once their seatbelt was on, Niall shoved his gear into place and pushed down on the accelerator. The retail park was an isolated and remote place, round and smooth. Perfect for first time learners. Niall basically drove in circles around the park until Harry told him to stop. That was, until another car drove into the park and Niall was spending uncontrollably at an alarmingly fast rate. "Niall...." Harry warns, placing a hand on Niall's thigh. Niall was breathing heavily as the car neared closer and Niall continued to speed.

"Niall...Niall, the break! Pull the break!" Harry shouts frantically. Niall's hand worriedly reached the break and the car came to a halt and the car opposite them served to the side, avoiding them completely. The car lurched forward and stopped automatically and Niall let go of the peddles and the steering wheel. The couple stayed in silence for a couple of minutes, their breathing hard and uneven.

"Sorry...I panicked." Niall breathed, blushing furiously.

"It was my fault, I shouldn't have shouted at you like that." Harry sighs. Niall glances back at Harry before turning to face the front window again. Once the car next to them had drove away, Harry turned to look at Niall. Niall looked back at him.

"What?" Niall asks innocently

"I can think of something that could cheer you up..." Harry offers and Niall frowns curiously. Niall's eyes widen as Harry leans forward. He bends down and moves Niall's seat backwards a little bit before he starts undoing the zip on Niall's pants. Niall lets out a knowing smirk as Harry removes his boxers a little and goes down on his not-so-hard dick.

"Babe, you do realize we don't have any condoms in the -" Niall groans heavily as Harry moves all the way down, the tip of his dick touching the back of his throat. Harry unconsciously reaches for the glove compartment and pulls out two packets of condoms and throws them at Niall's chest. Niall laughs humorously, his hands tugging at Harry's hair.

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