Chapter 19.

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Liam is watching Harry and Niall from a distance – not in a creepy way. He couldn’t help but watch how they acted together. The way Niall would laugh at some daft joke Harry was telling or the way Harry would place a protective hand on Niall’s shoulder every time a girl turned to talk to Niall. It was innocent. They were both standing in the queue of the cafeteria, talking quietly amongst themselves while Liam was sitting at a table, waiting patiently with Zayn who was scoffing down a burger for lunch.

Niall waited for Harry to get his lunch before they both left the queue, heading toward the door. Liam’s heart quickened. “Niall! Niall!” he calls and after a couple of seconds, Niall’s head snaps up. Harry stops in his tracks, turning round to Niall. When Niall looks at Liam, Liam grins and beckons his hand toward their direction, wanting Niall to join them. Niall only gives Liam a helpless look in reply when Harry whispers something in Niall’s ear, nodding toward their direction. Liam drops his hands, gob smacked as he watches Niall hold up a copy of Rome and Juliet in explanation and walks past Harry and out the door. Harry raises his eyebrows in fascination and then flashes Liam a look of apology before following after Niall.

Liam grunts, slumping back in his chair next to Zayn. “I tell ya, he’s hopeless.” Liam mumbles as he scratches the back of his head awkwardly. Zayn only laughs, his eyes now on his phone. “Leave him be Li, he’s allowed somebody like that in his life.” Zayn defends and Liam looks up. “Come to think of it, I haven’t seen Niall this excited about anybody since I met him.”

“Yeah, me neither.” Zayn agrees. Liam decides to change the subject. “Feel like having a game of footie?” he wonders, gazing out the window where the sun was shining. Zayn hums, lost in thought. “Okay.” He agrees and follows Liam out of the lunch hall, taking his hand.

Liam and Niall were in the library after lunch for English, doing some research for a solo talk on somebody famous. Niall’s eyes were glued to the screen as Harry walks past them, both of them with a knowing smirk on their faces as Liam looks up at his teacher, Niall probably knowing who was standing behind him. Liam shakes his head in disbelief and turns back to his screen, clicking his mouse repeatedly as his computer had frozen.

“That’s the tenth time he’s walked past, y’know.” Liam murmurs lowly, causing Niall to kick Liam in the leg as Harry walks by.

When the last bell had rang for going home, Niall sends a text to Harry to tell him that he’s staying late. He had taken an interest of the swimming lessons they were given from their PE teacher and was given access to the swimming pool after school so he could practice his training for his life guard course. Harry frowns at the text, having just came out of a meeting, and heads to the gym where the swimming pool was. He waves good-bye to his co-workers and heads to the changing rooms where he hoped Niall would be, but it was nada. So he heads to the swimming pool door and sure enough, he finds Niall swimming in the pool, alone.

A grin spreads on Harry’s face as he pushes the door open and hears the splashes Niall makes as he swims with ease, the water lapping over his skin. “The next Tom Daley, everybody!” Harry cheers, clapping his hands and Niall’s head snaps up. “He’s a diver, you idiot.” He smirks and Harry frowns, suddenly confused. “Oh.” Niall chuckles, swimming over to the waters’ edge, clinging onto the steps railing. “So, uh…how did you get access to the pool after hours?”

“I made a deal with my coach. I promised him I’d join the football team for a sports day charity game if I got the swimming pool.” Niall explains and Harry snorts. “Of course you did.”

“Why didn’t you just go to the local leisure center swimming pool?” Harry asks curiously. “Because this pool is free and well, I like to swim alone.” Niall shrugs and Harry laughs, shaking his head. “I can drop you off at work if you want.” Harry offers and Niall smiles. “Okay, I’ll…I just need to shower and change.” Niall sighs, heaving himself out of the pool, dripping wet in his shorts. Niall brushes past Harry when Harry slaps his bum lightly, causing Niall to giggle. “You’re lucky there’s no cameras in here, mister.” Niall teases, glancing back at Harry who shrugs his shoulders, a smug look on his face.

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