Chapter 7.

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The next week, Niall was back at school. As predicted. Surprisingly enough, Niall was happy to be back. He hated being cooped up in his flat all day, with nothing to do and daytime TV rotting at his brain. But going back to school was also a downside. For example, facing all his teachers. He made an exception for his English teacher though, Mr Styles.

He was unlike any other teacher he had ever met. He was kind, sophisticated and it was almost like he actually cared for his students. Which was nonsense of course. Teachers never cared. Now that Niall had stopped the mailman delivering his mail to the wrong address, Harry was disappointed that he didn’t get to see Niall in the morning anymore. Niall in the morning was one of his favorites as his hair would be sticking up at all ends, his voice was groggy and throat, his accent thick and his eyes were sleepy and disorientated.

Niall certainly wasn’t disappointed though as he got to see his teacher out on his usual morning jog early Monday morning. Shirt off, joggers on and earphones in. Although, he did hate it when it rained. He never showed at that point. The point being, was that both of them craved to see each other at least once during the day and for some strange reason that was all they needed to get them through the day. Harry couldn’t quite pin-point what it is. He was a man who is attracted to men, but leaned slightly more towards woman. That still didn’t give him an excuse to gawk over his student. It was wrong. He knew that. He knew he had to keep his relationship with Niall strictly professional. He didn’t want to be charged for child-molesting.

Niall, on the other hand, was completely straight. He had no interest in men, hence the reason he had a girlfriend in the first place but sometimes he wondered if he thought about his attractive, handsome neighbor more than he did with his girlfriend. Niall was currently sitting in his English class, doodling up and down the sides of the margin. Harry – Mr. Styles – was pacing back and forth in the classroom, explaining some garbage about Romeo and Juliet. Niall personally didn’t understand Shakespeare and couldn’t give a toss about it but for some reason, Mr. Styles seemed interested in his work. He talked about it with so much passion.

He suddenly felt a gentle nudge against his shoulder and looked up, realizing that Liam was trying to gain attention. Once Niall was startled awake, he looked up and realized that Harry was staring at him through an intense gaze, a gaze that made him feel like was looking straight into his soul. He could feel his cheeks reddening before he went back to his work, straightening his posture and going back to write his notes down.

That afternoon, Niall was free so he had offered to help out with the summer dance committee. It was an annual thing that all students took part off, including Niall and his friends. It was almost like a summer ball, where the whole school got together to celebrate the summer holidays. A summer king and queen was announced and of course, each student had dance practice.

Niall found himself hanging up decorations on the walls of the gym hall, hanging tightly onto a ladder. Laura had earlier disappeared into the girls changing room as she had had P.E. before Niall came down and they both said goodbye. Harry caught up with one of his fellow co-workers, only to have a double-take and finding Niall hanging up the decorations. A small smile crept on his face and he made his way down to the gym hall to talk to him.

“I never knew you were the type for the decorating committee, Mr Horan.” Harry called, entering the gym hall. His tone was almost mocking. Niall glanced back at his teacher, before steadying himself and turning back round. “I’ve been cooped up in my flat all week with nothing to do. Now I’m just making up for lost time.” Niall sighs, stepping down the ladder once he had finished. “I’m surprised, Niall. Any other normal male student like yourself would be using their free time going outside and playing football.” Harry pointed out with a smirk.

Niall chuckled. “Yeah, well. Maybe I’m not the normal type, then.” Niall sounded cheeky and mysterious. “Are you saying you’re a tall, handsome stranger type?” Harry challenged and Niall paused, turning back to face Harry. “You think I’m handsome?” Niall raised an eyebrow. Harry blanched, his cheeks flushing. “That’s what I’ve heard. It’s what all the girls say.” Harry shrugged carelessly, brushing it off and trying sound casual. Niall laughed. “I’m sure they do,” Niall sighed, wrapping the left over decorations up and placing them in box.

“Let me get that.” Harry offered, taking the box out of Niall’s hands and stacking it in a large, staff storage cupboard. Niall thanked him and they both headed out the school. “Hey, Niall! Wait up!” Niall’s head snapped round to find Laura running toward him, still in her running gear. Niall automatically linked his arm around her waist, pulling her close. “See you later.” Niall smiled warmly at Harry and they walked off into the car park, leaving Harry himself. Harry sighed deeply and got into his car a few minutes later, speeding off.

Despite not much contact had been exchanged between the two boys all day, Harry was glad to be invited over to Niall’s place that evening to talk about what he needed to “catch up” on. Although it was only the start of year and it was Harry’s first couple of weeks at starting, there wasn’t much to be caught up on. Harry clearly and carefully explained that he had just started to talk about Romeo and Juliet, one of the all-time famous romance plays.

At the mention of the play, Niall yawned widely and Harry paused, staring at him. “What is it with you and Romeo and Juliet? Do you not like it or something?” Harry tried and Niall laughed half-heartedly, blinking his eyes. “I just find it boring.” Niall emphasized and Harry’s mouth dropped. “Boring?! You find this boring? It’s one of the most classic tales told of all times.” Harry argued back and Niall laughed, shaking his head. “I just find it really cliché I mean, it’s just a tragic love story where they both die in each other’s arms because no one can accept them to be together.” Niall explained, defending his point. There was a comfortable silence as to which Harry stared at Niall, a warm smile on his face. There it was. That look it again. Niall hadn’t seen Harry give any of his other classmates this look and it made him anxious. The tension was broken when Niall spoke again. “Would you like some more water?” Niall offered, standing up. “Please.” Harry answered, watching the younger boy exit to the kitchen. 


Hi guys! Updates are back to normal, I've been taking a little break and focusing on another story. But I'm back! And I'd really appreciate it if I got a little more feedback as well as votes. Thank you so much guys! I love you :) x

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