Chapter 40.

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Niall was sleepy the next morning at the Styles household and didn't wake up until late noon when he heard the doorbell ring. He groans and rolls over on the bed and hoped to be enveloped in Harry's warmth and secure hold but he was disappointed when there was nothing but emptiness.

Signing heavily, he pushes himself off the bed and limps a little toward the door. He could smell burnt toast as he entered the living room and at the front door was Harry, Lou and Lux. As soon as Lux saw Niall standing in the doorway her entire tired face lit up and she rushed toward Niall, hugging his legs tightly. Niall couldn't help but laugh as he lifted Lux up and sat her on his hips. The sight of Niall carrying a child with a baby on the way made Harry's heart flutter.

"Lux, be careful with Niall, okay? He's carrying a baby." Harry warns but Niall scowled at him. She was only four, she could never hurt Niall. Lux's eyes widened in fascination and she stared down at Niall's tummy. Niall kissed her on the cheek and carried her into the living room.

Lou and Harry followed them and sat down opposite on the sofa. "So, Niall, Harry and I have been thinking, maybe I could style you some new clothes?" Lou started and Niall looked up from playing with Lux.


"Well, you're going to get pretty big soon so I thought it'd be a good idea to-"

"You mean, fat." Niall corrected him with a sniffle. Harry knew he had said the wrong thing then and he winced a little, scratching behind his neck awkwardly.

"Not fat, pregnant." Harry replies and Niall sighs, hugging Lux close to him.

"Also, you can get a free haircut." Lux smiles, trying to lighten up the mood and tension between Harry and Niall. Niall's eyebrows furrow at the thought, remembering how unattractive he had felt these past few days. Maybe a make-over would be a good idea and would make him feel just a little bit better. After all, Lou was a very talented stylist. For Gemma, anyway.

In the end, Niall gave in and nodded silently. Lou beamed and stood up, clapping her hands happily. Lux jumped at the sudden movement and eyed up her mother curiously. "Lux, love, why don't you go play with auntie Gemma?" Lou asks sweetly. Lux looks at Niall hesitantly before she gave a short nod and headed out to the porch where Gemma was sitting with a hot mug of tea. Lou guided Niall into Harry's bedroom and seconds later, Harry came in with a two suitcases. One suitcase was filled with clothes, the other was filled with make-up. And they were both pink.

Niall stared at them and wrinkled his nose at the sight as Lou started fingering the hem of Niall's t-shirt and he pulled it over his head. He felt highly exposed in front of Lou and he couldn't help but blush as Harry was staring back at him. He had a mug of tea in his hands and he was looking heart eyes at Niall.

"Stop staring at me like that." Niall stays stubbornly and Harry bursts out laughing.

"I'm not staring at you like anything." Harry grins playfully and Niall only purses his lips at him.

"Harry, do you mind keeping Lux company? I don't want you distracting my client while I work on him." Lou demands as she wraps a measuring tape around Niall's belly. Harry opens his mouth, about to protest but when Lou flashes a blusher brush in his face, he scurries out the room, murmuring, "I'm going, I'm going."

Niall watches as Lou hums in tune, laying out a number of different clothes. Some were summer and colorful, others were wooly winter jumpers and jackets. Biting her lip, she rummages through Harry's wardrobe and places a few plain t-shirts over the bundle of clothing. "Harry won't mind." She whispers to Niall and Niall smirks but then his smirk disappears when he realizes that she was probably talking from experience.

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