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After going through a whole lot of realtors and lawyers and solicitors, Niall and Harry finally found a home for Noah. It wasn't much, just a detached on the outskirts of London, next to the university so that they were closer to work that was big enough for the three of them. It had a kitchen island and three bedrooms - one bedroom which they had turned into the guest room. Niall had managed to complete at least three years of Uni and came out with a degree of sports science, and some new English qualifications under his belt which Harry was particular proud of.

Niall had earned a job as a life guard - something that he'd always dreamed off since he started high school - and he attended life-saving training courses daily as well as working at their local leisure centre full time. Teaching Noah how to swim was of his greatest satisfactions and he enjoyed watching Noah and Harry play in the swimming pool while he worked.

It wasn't until Noah was four that they decided to move into the house. Only, that's when all hell broke loose. As soon as they had moved into the new house, they decided to unpack and that's when Harry had found it. Niall's Will that he had written before he gave birth to Noah. To say it broke Harry's heart was an understatement. Niall had appeared from the living room and had headed into the kitchen to see Harry holding the written pieces of paper. Niall started breathing heavily, contemplating on what to do.

"What is this?" Harry asks hesitantly, his voice wavering a little.

"Um...it's a Will." Niall states bluntly and Harry scowls at him.

"A Will? Why on Earth would you have to write a Will, you weren't going to die then, right?" Harry fumes and Niall sighs, resting himself against the door.

"I wasn't sure, Haz." Niall shrugs and Harry stares at him.

"What do you mean, you weren't sure?"

"Harry, it was all fun and games at the time but...I had to face reality. There was a 85% of me dying at the time so I had to make some sort of arrangements where you and Noah would cope without." Niall explains. Harry opens his mouth and then closes it again before ranting on.

"Cope?! COPE?! In what world will I cope without you?! Niall, I told you from the start of the whole medication thing that I didn't want this, that it wasn't right, yet you still went through with it anyway!!" Harry yells. There's a shuffling of footsteps and seconds later, Noah appears in the hallway. He's holding a blanket between two hands and he looks frightened, staring wide-eyed at his parents.

"Daddy, why is papa shouting at you?" Noah sniffles, staring worriedly at Harry. Niall turns to face Noah and he ushers him out of the way.

"Papa's not shouting, Noah, okay? I promise you. Go back to bed, it's all over now. I promise." Niall soothes, kissing Noah on his cheek. Noah flashes one more nervous glance toward Harry before he heads upstairs into his bedroom. Niall lied, though. The shouting didn't stop and Noah was left covering his ears with the his blanket tucked under his tiny hand but he could still hear the muffled shouting that was coming from downstairs.

"You broke my heart, Niall! I thought we didn't keep secrets from each other, I thought we were honest!"

"I was trying to protect you, okay?!"

"Bullshit! You don't need to protect me from getting hurt, you've hurt me already - plenty of times before!!"

"The reason I didn't want to tell you is because I knew you'd react this way! You'd flip! You overact on everything and it's honestly no big deal! You're freaking it over nothing, I'm fine now!"

"No big deal?! If it was no big deal you could've told me by now!"

There's a short pause in which the front door slams shut, the windows rattling from the force. Noah gulps, biting the edge of his blanket his teeth to stop himself from crying as he's meant to be asleep. He didn't want daddy to be even more mad if he found out he was awake. A few seconds later, Noah hears the door creak open and Niall strolls through, getting into bed with Noah. The room is dark so he's unable to see Noah crying. But...Niall's crying. Noah could hear him sobbing, sniffing loudly as he snuggles up next to Noah.

"I'm sorry, baby." Niall sighs, kissing Noah's forehead. "I'm sorry you had to hear that."

The next evening, Noah goes into the living room to find Niall and Harry awkwardly standing face to face.

"I'll take the sofa." Niall finally sighs and starts to unfold the fold-down bed from the sofa. Harry catches eyes with Noah and Harry's eyes widen.

"C'mon, Noah. Bed time for you." Harry whispers and takes Noah's hand up the stairs.

Like every other normal, health relationship - Niall and Harry have sorted out their bickering. For Noah's sake, anyway. Harry had sorted it or by planning a full-week trip to Amsterdam and Noah had ended up with auntie Gemma for the week. One time, during Amsterdam, they dined at a famous restaurant called Oranjee.

"Why Amsterdam, out of all places? Why not Verona, where Noah was conceived?" Niall had challenged and Harry had laughed smugly at that.

"Because I realized that ever since we started saying "okay" to each other, I realized that was a the Fault in the Stars reference so I thought, why not try this?" Harry asks innocently and Niall couldn't help but snort with laughter.

"Don't tell me we'll be drinking the stars next." He rolls his eyes but Harry grins.

"You are my star, Niall." He replies and Niall blushes.

When they come back from Amsterdam, Harry heads quietly upstairs to Noah's room where Noah is sleeping soundly in his bed. Harry gently snuggles into his side, but managed to wake Noah up the process. Noah gaps and yawns, rubbing his sleepy eyes. "Daddy?" He asks groggily and Harry smiles softly.

"It's me." Harry announces and Noah freezes next to him.

"I don't like you papa, I want daddy." Noah huffs and Harry frowns. It was clear that Noah had inherited Niall's stubbornness. Clear as day.

"Why don't you like me?"

"You shouted at daddy. You said a bad word and you shouted at daddy. Daddy was crying." Noah explains feverishly and suddenly, Harry is feeling guilty. He didn't mean for Noah to hear that. In fact, he didn't mean to get angry at Niall at all.

"Look, your daddy and I just had a misunderstanding, okay? When you're older, you'll understand. But it's over now. I promise." Harry assures him, pressing his lips Ito Noah's wild, curly locks. Noah sniffles next to him.

"Prove it." Noah demands stubbornly. There's a brief pause.


"Prove to daddy that you love him and you'll never fight again." Noah huffs, poking Harry's chest playfully. Harry can't help but laugh, which makes Noah tilt his head to the side in confusion as he looks up at him.

"But that's just the thing," Harry says softly and Noah raises and eyebrow.

"You're all the proof that I need, Noah."


Only a couple of hours until 2015 guys! Woohoo! Out with the old, in with the new :D Hope everyone has had a fantastic 2014! Basically, going out with a bang with this story. Sorry if the epilogue is a little rushed. I'm actually quite happy with the ending and I hope I haven't disappointed any of you. I know a few of you wanted to see Narry getting engaged and married and to see Noah grow up and whatnot, but I found that really cliche and I didn't really want a happy ending from the start, so...sorry. Hope this makes up for it, though! Let me know what you think and the best of luck for 2015! Happy New Year everyone! Much love, mwah xx

PS I will be continuing with 50 Shades soon (hopefully this weekend) and don't forget to vote for me in the Bromance Awards if you haven't already; I've made it to the second round! Yay! Thanks so much xxx

Also, please don't demand for a sequel. You will be ignored. x

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