Chapter 60.

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New Years was a particular special event for the Horan-Styles family as well as it was most just their family included, but old friends as well - like Zayn and Liam and Louis and Lou. Like Christmas, they spent Hogmanay in Cheshire and both Zayn and Liam were invited. Which, in their mind, was weird considering Harry was their ex teacher whom had had a baby with their best friend.

On New Years Eve, Liam was particularly occupied with Louis. They hadn't seen each other since their one night stand so for it to be awkward between them was an understatement. Eleanor had chosen to spend New Years with her model friends rather than her boyfriend. It looked like Louis wasn't off the hook, yet. So that's how Louis found himself chatting up and flirting with Liam. Liam seemed to take it completely in his stride and was flattered and started to flirt back, after a few drinks of course.

"We still can't be together." Louis had warned, feeling extremely close to Liam.

Liam frowns. "Why not?"

"I love Eleanor."

"Yet, you're flirting with me." Liam challenges, taking a sip of his drink. Louis huffs out a sigh.

"Liam, how old are you?" Louis asks anxiously. Liam frowns again.

"I'm 19. Why?"

Louis can't help but smirk. "See, that's the difference between you and me. You're too young for me, Liam. I'm 24." He explains.

"Niall is 19 and Harry is nearly 24. They're four years apart but they're still managing to be together so don't give me that bullshit, Lou." Liam points out and Louis blushes furiously.

"It's different for them." Louis whispers and Liam scoffs.

"Oh, but it really isn't. Now you're just making excuses for yourself." Liam argues. Louis pursed his lips, scowling at Liam. They stay silent for a few moments, listening to the count down on New Years and the people surrounding them. Louis had five seconds now to think about what he wanted. When the seconds counted down to zero and fireworks exploded over the roof of the bungalow, Louis crashed his lips to Liam's. Liam smiled against Louis' mouth, setting his drink down at the side of the bar before wrapping his arms around Louis' small frame.

Niall and Harry were close by, kissing the life out of each other while Noah sat in his bouncy chair next them, sleeping soundly.

"Happy new year, gorgeous." Harry says softly and Niall blushes, pecking Harry's cheek.


A few weeks before Harry's birthday, Niall had a special announcement. One morning, he chapped on their bedroom door and when he pushed it open, he found Harry playing with Noah on the bed. He was tickling his tummy and feet, making him giggle and squeal on the pillow he lay on. Harry's grin widened when he realised that it was Niall at the door and it looked like he was suspiciously holding something behind his back.

"I have a surprise for you. It's an early birthday present." Niall grins. Harry's eyes widen when Niall pulls out behind him, his driving test certificate that indicated that he'd past, first time.

"Babe, you passed! That's fantastic!" Harry beams, shuffling off the bed to go and wrap his arms around Niall, kissing all over his face. Niall laughs and pulls Harry in for a hug while Noah watches them fondly. "That's great, that means that we can have a double celebration!" Harry exclaims, pulling Niall down on the bed.

Niall's eyes widen and he begins to protest because that is not what he wanted. He didn't want to steal Harry's thunder like that. After telling Harry that that wasn't what he wanted, that they should keep the party where it is, Harry's smile fades. "Niall, I want to do something nice for you. Why can't I?" Harry sighs do in the end, Niall gives in and let's Harry throw a double celebration for them both but only reluctantly.

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