Chapter 4.

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Niall didn't know to expect the next day, other than seeing Harry. Again. And again, and again. For the next year or so and he wasn't sure how much he could take for that.

So Harry was a student teacher.

That was bothering him more than it should be but he couldn't help it. He thought he and Harry could be friends, like him and his old neighbour was. He missed Chip. They had the best of laughs, why couldn't Harry be like Chip? Why did he have to be a God damn teacher, out of all jobs? Why couldn't he have been...a care taker? A lawyer? Anything but a teacher. And at his school, no less. Perhaps, if it had been at another school, Niall would've accepted their friendship. But no. Of course that wasn't going to happen.

There was a knock on the door at Nialls flat that interrupted him from his thoughts. He opened the door and their stood Harry, looking anxious. Niall was about to close the door on him when Harry immediately protested, stepping his foot in the doorway. "No, please." Harry protested quickly and Niall huffed, opening the door wider. "What do you want?"

"Your mail came in my door again," Harry explained quietly, handing him over a bunch of envelopes and the dreaded bills. "I'll speak to the postman about that." Niall mumbled with a sigh, thanking him. "I don't mind." Harry smiled and Niall rolled his eyes.

"Do you wanna...come over tonight? Y'know for a cuppa?"


"I feel bad after what happened,"

"I don't think you quite understand the concept of teacher and student." Niall spoke rudely, narrowing his eyes at Harry. Harry's mouth parted a little and he let out an exasperated sigh. "You know what? I get it. Crystal clear." He snapped and walked away back to his flat.

Niall sighed with relief and headed back inside.


Harry was walking home from school the next day. It was summer and it was hot so his tie was lose around his neck as he sunk his hand deep in his trousers pockets.

He could hear kids shouting and he looked over and saw Niall playing football with a bunch of lads, Liam and Zayn included. Harry couldn't help smiling as he watched Niall call to a team member and have the ball passed to him, dressed in football gear.

"Niall, Niall! Pass!" Liam called and Niall did so, only to be floored by someone in the opposite team. Niall yelped in pain and collapsed face first onto the ground, gripping his leg tightly. Harry stopped in his tracks, contemplating on whether to go over to him or not.

In the end, Harry jogged over to him. Liam charged toward the guy who floored Niall. "What was that for, Craig?!" He shouted at Craig, shoving his shoulders that he stumbled back a few steps. Craig was laughing. "Mate, c'mon it's just a game." Craig shrugged and anger boiled inside Liam.

"I don't give a damn if you got a foul and you're in team, but I do give a damn that you hurt my best friend!" Liam fumed and Craig rolled his eyes. "Are you serious?! The guy's just acting it, he'll be up in seconds, watch," Craig demanded and they watched, but Niall never got up. Instead, he lay whimpering on the ground, clutching his leg tightly. Craig blanched, clearing this throat nervously as his eyes fell on Harry.

"Is there a problem here?" Harry frowned, gazing down at Niall. Niall groaned, swearing something to himself and murmuring something incoherent that sounded an awful lot like "Of course you had to be here," but only loud enough for Harry to hear.

"Niall's injured himself." Liam spoke through gritted teeth, glaring at Craig. "Liam," Niall called suddenly and he attempted to sit up. Liam ended up grabbing Niall by the arms and hauling him up, steadying him by his side. "Are you okay to play?" Liam questioned, mildly concerned.

"I'll be okay once I sit down for a bit." Niall decided, limping on his foot. "Zayn, take Niall to the benches." Liam demanded carelessly. "Why me? I still wanna play-"

"I'll do it." Harry said automatically and four pairs of eyes fell on Harry, while Niall rolled his to the sky. There was a short pause. "That's settled then." Liam sighed, his eyes on Harry. Harry guided Niall toward the benches as Niall reluctantly clung on to him as he limped by his side.

"You seeing what I'm seeing?" Liam frowned, standing next to Zayn. "Yeah, Niall has the hots for Mr Styles." Zayn joked, wiggling his eyebrows at Liam who burst out laughing and the curiosity had disappeared. "Dude you're sick, bro." He laughed and Zayn joined in as they headed to greet the goal keepers who had watched the whole scene unfold.

Niall straightened his leg out as he sat on the bench, staying quiet. He envied his friends playing football and enjoying themselves on the field, he wanted to be with them instead of sitting next to the most annoying person in the whole entire planet.

At the mention of Harry, he sent a side-way glance toward his way. Harry sensed him looking and decided to glance at him, cheeks flushed. When Niall realised Harry was looking, his eyes widened and he turned his head to face the front again, resuming to watching his friends. Harry couldn't help smirking smugly, looking down as he stretched his arms behind the bench, taking in the warmth of the sun.

"How's your leg now?" Harry asked after a couple seconds of silence. Niall sighed and rolled his shorts, revealing a now swollen and bruised legs. Niall whimpered in defeat. He really wanted to play. Harry watched Nialls disappointment and he weirdly enough felt guilty.

"I can take you home." He offered gently and Niall turned, frowning at Harry. "Why would you wanna do that?" He challenged and Harry shrugged. "Just figured it'd be easy seeing as we live in the same building." Harry replied and realisation dawned on Nialls face. "Oh."

"Would you like to say goodbye to your friends?"

"No, it's okay. They're having too much fun anyway." Niall smirked, glancing at Liam and Zayn scoring yet another goal. Harry laughed and guided Niall out the football pitch and into the car park.

When they got home, Harry opened the door for Niall and set him down on the couch. He placed a cushion under his foot and set his foot on the coffee table before heading into the kitchen. He ventured for tea bags until he eventually found them and made a tea for Niall. While the kettle was boiling, he grabbed a bag of frozen peas and headed into the living room. He sat opposite Niall, lifting his foot up into his lap after taking off his football boots and placing the bag of frozen peas on Nialls leg as he rested his foot on his lap.

Niall stared in awe at Harry, watching him carefully. "Why are you going this?" Niall croaked and a soft smile spread on Harry's lips. "I want you to forgive me." He admitted and Niall snorted.

"Why do you care so much?" Niall challenged and there was a short pause.

"I dunno,"

That confused Niall but he decided to drop it. He winced at the contact of the ice and Harry apologised but kept a firm hold. They stayed quiet after that and when the kettle started to his, Harry excused himself and came back with a warm cup of tea seconds later.

"Thank you." Niall breathed, taking in the warm cup as Harry sat opposite him again. Niall stared down at the cup and Harry watched him. When he realised Harry was looking, Niall glanced up and Harry looked away, that signature smirk plastered on his face.

Niall cleared his throat. "Thank you for your help today, but I think you should go now." Niall spoke quietly, setting his mug down next to Harry. Harry opened his mouth to protest but then sighed, setting his foot aside and standing up. Niall stood up and followed after Harry, limping behind.

"Are you sure you're gonna be all right?" Harry wondered, glancing aback anxiously at Niall who nodded. "You're limping," Harry stated in a matter of fact tone, not entirely convinced.

"I'll sleep on it, I'll he fine in the morning." Niall shrugged and Harry sighed, opening the door. "I'm just a door away if you need me." Harry reminded him and Niall smirked. "Literally." He joked and Harry laughed, waving goodbye as he headed across the hall and Niall couldn't help staring after him.

Maybe they could be friends after all.


Hi guys! Here's the next chapter. 10 comments please? Please don't ask me update, it won't be counted! Thanks x

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