Chapter 36.

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It’s Saturday morning. After working two long shifts in the past two days and studying for his last exam in his free time, Niall is knackered. Harry joined him the previous night, having finished work seeing as he was off for the weekend. They’re asleep in Niall’s bed, dawn appearing on them, the winter sun streaming through the curtains. It’s a month until Harry’s 22nd birthday and Niall hadn’t even thought about it yet.

They’re both turned with their backs too each other, pillows turned in on their faces. Niall is curled up in ball and he only managed to get to sleep around two hours ago. Harry is first to stir awake, the sun through the curtains wakening him up. He glances at Niall’s sleeping figure next to him, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. He reaches for his phone on Niall’s charger and checks the time. 6.30 am. He knew Niall would be up soon, with morning sickness. He rolls over on the bed leans over Niall’s shoulder. “Baby,” he murmurs, kissing his neck and his and down his shoulder-blade. Niall groans in reply, squeezing his eyes shut tight.

“Baby’s asleep.” He mumbles in reply, not really getting that Harry was talking about him and turns more inwardly to the pillows. Harry smiles down at him, his hand settling on Niall’s bear hipbone.

“I’m talking about you, babe.” Harry corrects him, smiling wistfully down at him. There’s a short pause.

“Still, too early.” Niall mumbles in reply, almost incoherent. He’s so sleepy, his words are inaudible and thick with his Irish accent. Harry laughs and it’s music to Niall’s ears. He turns to smile at him for a second before an uneasy feeling rose in the pit of his stomach and he dashes to the bathroom. Harry sighs heavily and flops back onto the bed. He’s topless and despite the fact that it’s still winter, he’s warm. Maybe it was Niall’s hate radiating off of him. He does have that effect on people. When Niall doesn’t return after being sick, Harry goes to investigate. He finds him slumped against the towel rail, next to the toilet pan. He’s brought his knees up to his chest, burying his face on his knees and he’s crying silently.

“Hey. Babe, what’s up?” Harry asks quietly, bending down so he was eye-level with Niall, bringing him into his chest.

“I’ve been doing this for the past week every morning. Being sick, I mean. I just want it to stop.” He sniffs, burying his face in Harry’s chest.

“It will, don’t worry.” Harry sooths, gently stroking Niall’s hair. Harry clears his throat suddenly and Niall looks up. “I don’t know if I’ve already told you, but I’m going out with Louis tonight. Is that okay?” he asks hesitantly and Niall smiles lazily.

“Yeah, that’s fine, Harry. You don’t have to check on me. You’re allowed to have fun.” He replies quietly and Harry beams. “It’s probably just as well, I’m inviting Zayn and Liam over tonight.” Harry gives a nod.

“Are you going to tell them about the…y’know, the baby?” Harry asks curiously and Niall nods slowly.

“Yeah. I have too though, don’t I? They’re gonna suspect in a couple of months’ time when I start walking around with this big belly.” Niall snorts and Harry smirks, kissing his forehead.

“Is it okay if I tell Louis, then?”

“Yeah, its’ okay.” Niall sighs, pulling himself up off the floor. Harry took Niall’s hand so he could pull him off of the floor, too. They headed into the kitchen and made themselves breakfast. Around dinner time, Harry heads out, after kissing Niall good-bye. He’s dressed smartly for the evening; in some posh button-down shirt that caused around a hundred quid and some tight jeans and ankle boots. He greets Louis at the entrance bar and they both head in, ordering their drinks at the bar. When Louis had had a couple of drinks down him, that’s when Harry decided to tell his best friend. He explained how Niall had ended up pregnant and all the treatment that came with it. For some reason, it actually felt good to let it all out. It felt good to tell somebody how he felt and how scared he was for Niall.

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