Chapter 20.

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Niall is in a dark room. He doesn’t know where, all he knows is that he’s alone. He’s hot and he feels the walls closing in around him, making him breathless and panicky. He takes a few steps back when a light flashes on above him, brightly and suddenly he feels as if he’s in a hospital room except with no nurses or doctors running around or hospital equipment about.

When he looks back down from the light again, a man is standing in front of him. Not just any man, though. His dad. Bob Horan. Niall gulps, attempting to take another step back but instead he hits a wall, thumping his head back. When he realizes he’s trapped, Bob lets out a cold laugh that echoes through Niall’s ears. Without saying anything, Bob strolls forward, fast and without warning, flings Niall to the side, causing Niall to thump to the ground.


There’s a different voice. A younger voice, a kinder voice that isn’t coming from Bob’s lips. He doesn’t want to believe it’s Harry’s. He couldn’t. When Bob reaches down again, Niall attempts to punch him but Bob only laughs. “Niall.” That voice again, this time more desperate.

The voice calls him repeatedly and finally, Niall’s eyes snap open. He’s damp with sweat, his chest rising and falling rapidly. He’s still blocked up, his head and body aching. He’s staring at Harry, eyes wide and frantic as Harry gazes worriedly at him. His lip is split in two, blood dripping down his chin. “Harry…” Niall croaks, gasping at the sight of his broken lip. Harry frowns, touching it but brushing it off. “It’s nothing.” Harry shrugs and when Niall reaches out to clear the blood, Harry pushes his hand away. It isn’t until then that Niall realizes he’s in his own bed, Harry next to him. Niall had done this too him, in his sleep. The door is ajar, the room dimly lit which means it’s evening.

He notices that the room is freakishly quiet. “Where’s my mum?” Niall mumbles and Harry bows his head. “She left while we were asleep.” Harry explains. Niall’s heart starts hammering in his chest, beginning to panic. “No, no, no, no, no.” He attempts to sit up, only to be pushed gently back by Harry. Niall looks up, confused. “You need your rest, babe.” Harry casts him a wary smile and Niall gulps, looking longingly at the door, out the corridor. “Do you mind phoning my mother? Her number is on the fridge.” Niall adds when Harry opens his mouth to speak. Harry sighs, kissing Niall’s sweaty forehead before he untangles himself from the blankets and heads to the kitchen where indeed, is a note with Maura’s number on it. He takes his phone and dials number and it takes a while for her to answer. “Hello?”

“Hi, Maura. It’s Harry Styles here, I –“

“I’m sorry sir, but you have the wrong number. Have a nice day.” The phone line is dead. Harry pauses, gazing down at his phone, matching the numbers up. They were the same numbers and that was definitely Maura. Why wouldn’t she speak to him? Confused, he heads back into the bedroom and with a frown on his face, he leans against the doorframe. Niall looks up hopefully. “Well?”

“She wouldn’t let me speak to her, she hung up.” Harry admits. Niall groans suddenly, letting out a huge wail. He sobs into his pillow, curling up into a ball. “Niall?” Harry wonders over to the bed, scooting close to him again. “I won’t see her for another month now.” He sniffs, looking up with pleading, icy, watery eyes. “Come here.” Harry sooths and Niall moves closer, wrapping himself around Harry for sheer warmth and comfort. Harry didn’t know what to do or say that would comfort him because he’s never been in a situation like this before. “She’s just trying to keep you safe.” Harry whispers and Niall only sniffs again, burying his head in Harry’s shoulder.

The following week when Niall is better, Harry takes him to a gay bar that weekend. Niall had never been to a gay bar before and he was curious but quite frankly, he was dreading it. He had a really bad feeling about it. Niall is biting his lip as Harry takes his hand, guiding him through the entrance where the bouncer lets him through. As soon as they went in, they were immediately swarmed by drunk men and woman, grinding on each other.

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