Chapter 39.

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At fourteen weeks along, that's when Niall starts to show. It was possible that he could have been showing earlier on but neither Niall nor Harry noticed it until Niall himself pointed it out. He was just fresh from the shower and he had headed into his bedroom to change. He had a clean, white towel wrapped around his waist and one was hanging around his neck. Water droplets were dripping from his body and his hair was wet and clinging to his forehead. Bringing the towel down from his neck, he took a quick glance in the wall-sized mirror in his bedroom and his heart leapt at the sight.

There was unmistakably a certain roundness to Niall's tummy. To the naked eye, it may look like Niall had gained a few pounds but in Niall and Harry's eyes, they knew exactly what it was. Their baby. The bump was protruding over the waist band of Niall's sweats, only slightly but over a thick layer of clothing it'd look like nothing. Of course, coming into the spring and summer it would be even more difficult to hide - something Niall was afraid of. Niall couldn't help but play at the waistband of his sweats, cringing at the sight. The sudden roundness of his belly made him feel awful and unattractive. Not that he ever felt attractive before. Niall was unaware of the fact that Harry had been watching. Something tight and fuzzy warmed up Harry's heart at the sight. He was leaning against the door, arms folded with a dish towel over his shoulder as he stared at his boyfriend. He looked so vulnerable and all Harry wanted to do was protective him and his unborn child.

When the door creaked, Niall gasps and he looked up and Harry was gone. But Niall knew he had been watching, the minute he disappeared. Yet, he didn't say anything about it. He knew that Harry was still touchy-feely with the whole pregnancy situation, so he kept his mouth shut.

The next morning, was Niall's monthly trip to the clinic with Harry. Maura couldn't make it this time as she had work so it was just the two of them. Niall was surprised to get an unexpected male doctor this time, instead of Dr. Miller. Well, he was - get this - a male nurse. How cliché was that. Niall was surprised at how unbelievably gorgeous he was. Which was so unlikely because Niall never even fancied guys - well, beside Harry, of course.

The unexpected visit from the male nurse had caused Niall's insides to flutter all warm. Niall gulps at the sight of him, suddenly feeling very exposed and self-cautious. He was suddenly caring about how little he had dressed. He was only wearing a t-shirt and sweats and he couldn't help blushing. The nurse had introduced himself as "Dr. Richardson" and had taken a seat in Dr. Miller's swivel chair. He held a clipboard in his hand as he sat down and eyed up the ultrasound machine, which was already switched on. "Where's Dr. Miller?" Harry asks curiously, to break the deafening silence from Niall's ears.

"She's off sick, so I'm filling in her place. Don't worry, I've been filled in and I'm aware of your situation." Dr. Richardson assured them, flashing a smile to Niall that showed a row of pearly-white teeth. Niall wasn't listening. Instead, he was admiring his beauty. He had wavy sandy-colored hair, bright green eyes like Harry's. His scrubs hugged his muscles perfectly and his skin was golden with a few tats here and there. Not as much as Harry's and they were mostly inspirational quotes or a date that meant something to him. Still good-looking though.

"What's your name?" Niall couldn't help but croak shyly.

"Dr. Richardson." He repeated but Niall scowled.

"No, your real name." Niall demands and there's a short pause.

"Ben." Ben confirmed with a kind smile. Niall smiles happily and he lets him squirt some gel onto his belly and he begins to run the wand over it. Niall couldn't help but wince at the coldness and the warmth of his hands against his skin. It was a weird contrast. "Sorry." He mumbles but Niall only shakes his head.

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