Chapter 15.

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Zayn is lying down on Liam’s bed, dripping wet but he doesn’t really care. Liam is still with him. They haven’t really said much because quite frankly, neither of them know what to say to each other. “Do you wanna stay here for the night?” Liam offers quietly. “I don’t think Sophia would like that – oh wait, she doesn’t know.” Zayn added stubbornly and Liam sighs, resting himself on the pillow. “Sophia doesn’t own me, Zayn.” Liam mumbles and Zayn rolls his eyes. Typical.

“Did you do it – y’know, deliberately?” Liam asks curiously and Zayn looks up at him. “What do you mean?” Liam gulps nervously. “Y’know – the pool. Did you jump?” Zayn sighs heavily. “No, some drunken idiot pushed me.” He mumbles and Liam nodded, believing him. They stayed in a comfortable silence after that but Zayn was getting impatient. “Isn’t Sophia waiting?”

“I’m not going anywhere.” Liam argues and Zayn closes his eyes, not wanting to talk to him anymore. Liam guessed he was sleeping here tonight, then. Not that he minded. It wasn’t the first time that had happened. Liam stayed like that for the next hour or so, watching Zayn sleep. He knew it was strange, but he couldn’t help it. After a while Zayn’s breathing had become even and peaceful, knowing that he was in fact in a deep sleep. He had completely forgotten about the abandoned party downstairs until somebody knocked on his door and Sophia walked in, a purse over her shoulder. “I should probably go.” She spoke quietly, her eyes darting back and forth between the two.

Liam sat up. “No – it’s okay. Zayn’s fine.” He assured her quickly, getting up off the bed and walking over to her. Liam paused for a second, his eyes scanning over Sophia’s face. “I did not give you those hickeys.” Liam said quietly, pointing to the newly red marks on her neck. Sophia’s hand flew to her neck and she was blushing furiously. “I don’t think we should see each other anymore.” She blurted out. Liam’s heart sank and he took a few steps backwards. “What?"

Zayn could hear the distant voices wakening him from his sleep. His eyes were moving beneath his eyelids and he peeled one sneaky eye open, his eye falling on Sophia and Liam. “I – just – I just feel as if you care for somebody else and not me.” Sophia spoke shyly and Liam gulped, sitting on the edge of the bed. Zayn’s eyes snapped shut again as Sophia glanced nervously at his body. “I know you have feelings for him, Liam.”

“What makes you think that?”

“Because you wouldn’t be here with him otherwise.”

“But I’m with you.” Liam retorted and Sophia smiled. “You need to figure out what it is you want, Liam. Because I’m not gonna sit around and wait.” She spoke softly, kissing Liam on the cheek before squeezing his arm and he left without another word. Zayn’s heart was hammering against his chest when he felt the door close. He turned to the side, hiding his face away from Liam. He heard Liam heave a deep sigh, the bed dipping – indicating that he had stood up – and minutes later he heard the door close, leaving Zayn himself.


Niall was cradling himself in his mothers’ hotel room. He’s hugging his knees to his chest, his eyes staring blankly at the screen, a vacant expression on his face. Maura hands him a hot cup of tea but when he doesn’t even register her presence, she sets it down on the coffee table.

“Niall.” His mothers’ desperate voice made him look up at Maura, who was now sitting on the comfortable arm chair next to him. “You know you shouldn’t even be here.” Maura warns. “He could find you any day –“

“I know.” Niall cuts her off because he really doesn’t need her lecturing right now. She walks back into the kitchen and comes back seconds later with a bag of frozen peas and places it on the side of his swollen face. He grunts and bats her hand away but she doesn’t even budge. “I only get to see you once a month Niall, please let me take of you.” She snaps sternly. Niall’s hands drop on his lap and he leans back on the sofa, his eyes away from his mother. It had been a couple of hours since he had arrived in Maura’s hotel a few minutes past midnight and even though Maura was tired after a few hours of travelling – she let her son rant and vent on what had happened these last few months since the new teacher, Mr. Styles, had arrived.

“Do you like him?”

The question was sudden and out of nowhere. Maura had made it clear that she wasn’t happy and didn’t approve of Niall’s relationship with Harry, but there wasn’t much she could do about it. All she could really do was accept it, which she had. “Mhmm.”

“Does he like you?”

“I don’t know. He doesn’t really say much.” Niall frowns and he suddenly realizes that Harry hadn’t said much about his feelings at all. He doesn’t even know if Harry likes him back or not. All he knows is that Harry cares for him, deeply. “It sounds to me like he’s taking advantage of you.” Maura admits and Niall’s head snaps up. “What?”

“Niall, you’re a vulnerable, talented student with good grades. Maybe he just…I don’t know, he sounds sick to me.” Maura wrinkles her nose and Niall couldn’t quite believe what he was hearing. “Mum, he isn’t bad.” Niall stated. Maura wasn’t convinced. “Honestly, he’s just so kind and caring and generous…y’know he was the one that took care of my broken leg?” Niall’s face lit up at the thought and Maura couldn’t help but let out a laugh.

“I’m not convinced Niall, so I’m probably going to have to meet him some day.” She winks and Niall’s expression became worried, frantic. “If he is as lovely as you say he is, then I’m happy you’re happy.” She assured him, squeezing his shoulder tightly. “He’s amazing, mum.” Niall gushes and Maura laughed, a grin on his face “He has this big smile with dimples and these amazing tattoos and this incredible voice that makes you feel like he actually cares when he speaks to you…” Niall trailed off, suddenly realizing that he was gushing like a twelve year old girl to his mum about his crush. Maura burst out laughing again, kissing his song on the cheek lovingly.

“I sounded a bit strange there, didn’t I?” Niall squints his eyes and Maura shakes her head, smiling fondly. “I don’t mind.” she promised him and Niall smiled, resting himself back on the sofa.

It wasn’t until late that afternoon, after Maura had cooked him a lovely Sunday dinner that he finally headed home to his flat. He was about to unlock his door when Harry opened his own door, collecting a package that was outside his flat. Niall turned round and saw Harry standing in the doorway. Now that Harry was standing before him, he suddenly felt silly after all the garbage he came out to his mother. “You, uh…you’ve been out all weekend. I was beginning to get worried.” Harry said quietly, a concerned look on his face.

Niall smiled weakly. “I was with Zayn and Liam – something came up.” He shrugged. It wasn’t a lie, it was partly the truth. Harry nods, unsure of what to say. Niall looks him up and down. He’s dressed in tight skinny jeans, an oversized white t-shirt tucked in the hem of them. He was bare foot, his hair long and loose. “Is everything okay with them?”

“Yeah, everything’s fine.” Okay, that was a lie. He wasn’t sure if Liam and Zayn had sorted their relationship after the whole pool fiasco but Harry was only asking out of sheer politeness. Niall found himself walking toward Harry but Harry didn’t do anything to stop him. “I’m sorry for everything that happened with Lou – he’s a little protective, he’s like a big brother.” Harry says although he really doesn’t know why he was defending his best friend. He was still mad at him.

Niall ignores him, pressing his lips softly to Harry’s. God, these lips. Harry begins to automatically move his own, his large hands settling down on Niall’s waist. Harry moves them both inside, pulling Niall away from the door so he could close them gently. Harry pulls away after a few moments, breathless and panting. “Does that mean I’m forgiven?”

“Mhmm.” Niall hums, kissing Harry hard again, leaving a huge grin on Harry’s face. 


Wow, you guys are quick at commenting. How about this; if I get 30 comments with this chapter, I'll update again? I have some free time anyway. But blank and random comments don't count. I love your feedback, it makes me smile xD Sorry if this is a bit short. X

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