Chapter 18.

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Niall is currently lying next to Liam on his bed. It was the night after the concert and Liam wanted to come over for Niall to tell him everything – it was just a catch up, really. “Did you really meet Ed?” Liam asks, for the one hundredth time and Niall shows him the picture of him and Ed for the one hundredth time that night, also. Liam huffs, setting his head on the pillow because well, he really wanted to meet him and he probably could’ve went with Niall if Harry wasn’t so keen on going with him.

“He does like you, y’know.” Liam speaks softly, knowing that Niall was thinking of a certain curly haired lad. Niall’s face lights up and he’s flashing Liam an innocent look. “Really?” he asks and Liam breaths a laugh. “Mate, he took you on one of the most romantic dates possible. I mean, a concert to meet Ed Sheeran? Nobody does that on a first date. First dates are normally cliché dinner dates, or – movie nights in.” Liam sighs, lifting his head up with his elbow on Niall’s pillow, gazing down at him. “I dunno, it just didn’t feel like a date.” Niall admits and Liam looks stunned, his mouth parted. “Did he kiss you at the end?”

“A great, big massive snog.” Niall admits quickly and Liam laughs. “Of course he did.” Liam shakes his head, lying back down again. “I think you’re in denial, mate.” Liam said, this time sounding more serious. “You think?” Niall raises his eyebrows, glancing up at Liam. He was afraid of that. “Mhmm.” Liam hums, unlocking his phone to check for any messages. A smile creeps on Liam’s face for a second before he starts to type rapidly. “What’s that look for?” Niall questions and Liam looks up innocently. “What’s what look?”

“That big grin, like you’ve just won the lottery.” Niall explains. Liam only shrugs and goes back to texting that is until Niall snatches his phone off him, turning his back to Liam so he could block him. “Hey!” Liam exclaims, reaching over to grab the phone back but Niall blocks him again. “Aww, it’s from Zayn!” Niall coos, his thumb scrolling through the texts. “Aww, you guys are so cute! I miss you and I want to be with you. I’m sorry for the way I acted with you and Danielle, I was just jealous. Aww!” Niall emphasizes as he continues to scroll through the texts until Liam snatches the phone off him, his face red and flustered.

“That’s an invasion of privacy, that is.” Liam mumbles and Niall snorts with laughter. "I'm just surprised I didn’t see a picture of Zayn’s dick in there.” Niall snorts as a joke but Liam falls silent, not saying anything. “Oh my god. You do have a picture of Zayn’s dick in your phone?” Niall gasps and Liam rolls his eyes. “Yeah well, I bet you, you have one of Harry.” Liam defends, blowing a raspberry but Niall only snorts again. “Mate, we haven’t even exchanges numbers yet, I wouldn’t think that far ahead.” Niall replies and Liam’s smile fades.

“You don’t have his number?”

“I just think it’s a bit weird, y’know? He’s still my teacher and besides, we live across the hall from each other, see each other every day. It’s not as if he needs my number.” Niall shrugs but Liam shrugs. “I see Zayn every day yet we keep each other’s numbers.” He points out. “Yeah and you also keep nudes of each other by the looks of it.” Niall teases, wacking Liam in the dick, causing him to wince and Liam rolls his eyes. “Trust me, sooner or later, you’re gonna ask Harry for a nude. Or he’ll ask you for a nude. I can just see it coming.” Liam smirks but Niall rolls his eyes, dropping it, when he heard a chap on the door. “Speak of the devil…”

Niall stands up, the bed dipping as he did so and heads to open the door and Harry himself stands in the doorway. A smile lights up on Harry’s face as he moves into the threshold. “Hey.” He beams and started to kiss Niall. Niall opens his mouth to protest but his words are muffled against Harry’s mouth, his tongue moving against his own as Liam stands in the corridor. Liam’s eyes widen at the sight and he clears his throat awkwardly. Harry immediately pulls away, leaving Niall planting and breathless and Harry staring at Liam as Niall sorts himself out, smoothing out his ruffled clothes. “Oh…hi, Liam.” Harry says casually, although his voice breaks at the end and he glances anxiously at Niall.

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