Chapter 38.

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The next day, Niall found himself working. Yes, he knew he shouldn't be doing any of the sort and yes, he knew Dr. Miller had told him not too. But with a baby on the way he really needed to up his game. After all, he was only eighteen. He knew that Harry said he'd chip in financially and help out any way he could but he couldn't rely on Harry all the time. It wasn't right.

Over the past couple of days, he was contemplating on whether to leave school, officially. Even though he was suspended and it would probably go on his attendance record, he felt that he had all the grades he needed. Nevertheless, he didn't receive his final grades from his previous exams until the end of August this year, which was six months away. He couldn't afford to go to school in that period of time. With his bloated belly at that time, people would start to suspect and he didn't want to become a huge science project to the public and government, even though Dr. Miller had assured Niall and his mother that that wouldn't happen. Still, he wanted to leave school to be on the safe side.

Leaving school meant he had more free time to organize the house with what he needed; baby wise. It gave him time to go shopping and buy all the essentials he needed. This thought had hit him pretty hard; that he and Harry would be parents in a few months’ time. It was overwhelming and emotional, to say at the very least. He wondered if Harry felt the same way. Come to think if it, neither he nor Harry had talked much baby-talk since the last appointment and Niall wondered if Harry was avoiding him after the incident with his mother.

Now, he was currently in the shop with Zayn. Zayn was behind the till, standing next to him. He was tidying the shelf behind the till and he hadn't uttered a word to Niall since Niall arrived here. It didn't bother Niall, though. Niall knew that Zayn must hate him right now and maybe he just needed the space. That was all. Niall clicked a few buttons on the till after serving a customer when the door wind chimes ring again and Louis steps through, letting the customer past.

Next to him, Zayn sighs and stands up, only to be greeted by Louis. Zayn's eyes widen in shock and Niall knew it was because last time he saw Louis, Louis had utterly boasted about the news and that was when Louis was a complete stranger. "Hey, Niall, do you remember that time that guy came up to me and told me you were pregnant? Oh wait, that was you." Zayn added childishly, turning toward Louis.

Niall sighed and next to him, Zayn folded his arms across his chest. Louis didn't say anything. After that incident, he had learnt to keep his mouth shut. Zayn's eyes darted between Niall and Louis, squinting them curiously. "Going out for a fag." He mumbles and brushes past Niall, heading out to the back door.

"He's really not letting this go, is he?" Louis reasons, once Zayn was out of ear-shot.

"Yeah, well, he can hate me all he wants. I don't care." Niall shrugs, putting some change into the till. When Niall's head was bowed, Louis felt a little guilty. He really shouldn't have opened his big gob like he did, that was inexcusable. It didn't matter that he had had a few drinks that night that had cost him a friendship. Even though Harry had put things into perspective for him, saying that Niall had overreacted that night and he probably felt annoyed for not being allowed to have any drinks, it still made Louis feel guilty because Louis had put himself in Niall's shoes and thinking that he'd probably feel the same way as Niall did, now.

"Look, I want to make it up to you." Louis grins and Niall looks up.

"How so?"

"It's Harry's birthday next week, right?"


"I was thinking of booking a reservation at a restaurant for you and Harry with my girlfriend and myself. Y'know, like a double-date." Louis suggested with a kind smile. Niall bit his lip, studying him curiously.

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