Chapter 28.

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The couple decide to go home before the snow starts to get heavy. Which is a disappointment, because they left shorter than necessary but it couldn't be helped. There was always Christmas in which Anne insisted Niall invited Maura along for a family meal together.

At the mention of the world family, Niall's whole world had lit up and everything seemed a lot brighter. He was happy and it was Harry who made him happy. When they arrived home, Maura was waiting for her son and Niall was greeted with a death-grip hug, despite Maura's small and fragile frame.

They both waved good-bye to Harry and Maura helped Niall inside, taking his suitcase so Niall could carry his other extra belongings. Once Niall was showered and cleaned, they sat down in the living room and Niall told Maura and rambled on about how great Holmes Chapel was and how welcoming and friendly Harry's family were.

It wasn't until when Maura gave a subtle yawn and she nodded her head every now and then that Niall realized how much he had been boasting. "I'm sorry, I'm talking too much, aren't I?" Niall asks shyly and Maura laughs. "No, no, it's okay. I'm glad you had a good time. I was just thinking though, would you like a Chinese?" She asks hopefully and Niall smirks. "I'm always up for a Chinese." He grins and Maura giggled, heading into kitchen to dial the number.

After the Chinese, Niall is sleeping soundly on his armchair and Maura sighs deeply, taking the empty plate away from his lap and she throws a blanket around him. She takes the dirty dishes into the kitchen, cleans the dishes as quietly as possible as not to wake Niall. After she's done, she grabs the brown envelope of money which Niall had left her for his pay rent and grabs her bag and jacket and leaves after a kiss on Niall's forehead.

She smiles fondly at Harry when they meet in the hallway. He was carrying a black plastic bag, most likely the rubbish bin. "Niall seemed to have a good time." Maura grins as they walk down the stairs. Harry's face lights up entirely. "Really?"

"Yeah, he hasn't stopped talking about it since he arrived." Maura admits and Harry laughs, stepping aside to let Maura pass him at the bottom of the stairs. "I'm really sorry about that."

"No, like I said to Niall, I'm glad he's had a good time. He needed it." She sighs and Harry's smile fades a little bit. "I know it's probably not right for me to ask, but do you think Niall's dad will ever come back?" He asks curiously. There's a short pause before Maura answers.

"Yes, I think he will." She sighs and Harry bites his lip, leaning against the wall. "But I don't want to worry him with it. He doesn't need it." She adds and Harry nods, a small smile on his face. "I know. I understand." Harry replies. With a quick kiss on Harry's cheek, Maura leaves without another word, as her taxi is outside waiting for her.

On December the first, the whole school is announced that a masquerade ball would be held in the gym hall. It was another charity event for Christmas and everyone was too take part – students and teachers. The announcement got everyone excited, mostly about the drinks and costumes that everyone would be wearing on the night. So, one weekend, Niall found himself shopping with Zayn, looking for a posh tuxedo to wear on the night. Fortunately, for Liam, he had already had his as he was at some wedding the previous week – so it was just the two of them. Zayn found himself slumped in one of the chairs next to the window, watching Niall try on a white tuxedo. “This feels so girly.” Zayn complains and Niall couldn’t help but laugh. It was only yesterday that Zayn had went shopping with Perrie, who was trying on dresses for the masquerade – and had asked for an opinion for every dress she tried on and later shooed Zayn off, no matter what Zayn said.

“Honestly, it’s a nightmare shopping with Perrie. No matter what I said, she wouldn’t accept it.”

“What exactly did you tell her?” There was a short pause.

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