Primitive, Predictable Human

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Chapter 12

We walked for what seemed like forever until the butler finally showed us a concrete door that led down into the basement. I wasn't going to be able to make it much longer in these heels. I don't know how Emma did it. Without a single trace of fear Emma follow behind the gaunt man. I carefully kicked off my shoes leaving them at the top of the stairs and follow behind them.

"You know in good faith he could have met us upstairs. Closer to the light", I suggested.

"Haley he could die", Emma chastises reached the bottom of the curving staircase.

So could we.

Just like the house we lived in there was a code that needed to be punched in and we were let in to the main living area. No one could say Anthony didn't have taste everything was richly decorated in style with cream gold furniture covering every inch of his underground mansion. Plush carpets on hardwood floors and chandeliers danced above. We were led into a dining area that could easily fit 50 people. White roses stood in a vase in the center of the table perfectly aligned with the golden Chandelier that covered most of the ornate ceiling painted with cherub angels in a heavenly sky. The table was formally set with golden utensils. The golden walls we're decorating in portraits painted of important men who made no difference to me.

"Ladies", a familiar voice announced. I guess Anthony just lived in black suits and shoes with hard rubber that sounded funny,"Sorry to make you wait. I wasn't sure if you were coming".

I didn't like the way his green eyes shifted back and forth between Emma and I. The last time I had met this man I was in a desperate situation to escape the hospital. I had no choice but to go along with him but now I had a gut instinct that was telling me to be alert. Emma and Anthony greeted each other and I decided to admire his art for now. Emma may be okay with him being in her bubble, but I wasn't,"We're so happy to be here".

Speak for yourself.

"I'm more than happy to entertain the company. Shall we sit?" He asked and pulled out a chair for Emma who was just swooning by the simple gesture. Anthony did the same for another chair next to her for me.

"I'm good with standing we won't be long", I challenged.

"Of course", he said with a tight smile and decided to sit down in the chair he had just pulled out. " I promise you I did not mean to pull you away from your day activities. You'll both be compensated for your time".

"It's no trouble at all", hey now, I want my money. If he's just giving it away for free why wouldn't I take it?

"I'm sure, Emma, you are aware of the new lifestyle model we're trying to push out. Haley I would like to get you up-to-date if Emma hasn't already", the way Anthony was leaning over Emma reminded me of the time my dad bought a used car from the junkyard. The sales man promised my dad the car he was showing him- the beat up gas guzzler- would never fail. The car he was trying to get us to walk off the lot with was a steel miracle as far as performance. God himself could not wreck this car he proclaimed. My dad bought the piece of junk for fifty bucks and we didn't even make it down the road before it crapped out on us. It took all of my brothers and my dad to get his money back.

"I'm aware", I said stopping and staring at an abstract painting that looked like someone had vomited onto the canvas. This was the only non-portrait not in the room.

What made it special?

"I won't mince words then. I think you both could play a important part in the new lifestyle model we're going to start encouraging", my mouth dropped as low as my stomach sank.

"What lifestyle model?"

"More interspecies coupling",Anthony stated. I turned to stand at the opposite end of the table with my arms crossed tightly around my chest.

"So now not only do people have to participate in the Census they have to tie themselves to you?" Was this how major decisions were made? Did he even ask another human being that lived in Evian how they would react?

"Coupling is not mandatory", He confessed.

"Neither was the Census until it was", I exploded.

I now had Anthony full attention. He turned his back to Emma and rose up to answer me,"Would you rather the Revenants come and wipe mankind out? We provide a service you can't live without and all we ask is---"

"We behave like a good little cattle being led to the slaughter. Your kind hasn't done anything out of the kindness of your unbeating hearts for us. Without mankind there is no you", I fired back. I could see I struck a nerve by the twitching in his eyes.

Slowly Anthony approached me,"We've made this nation better. When mankind was on the brink of extinction we brought you back and made America a global power".

"Correction, you fractured a country in half and the states that wouldn't fall in line you're kind let be flooded with revenants. And now you can bearly keep the states you "swore" to protect", I spat. "People aren't going to give vampires any more. And if it means death so be it".

When is enough is enough?

"We don't need your permission. This is happening", Anthony said now inches from me. Every time he opened his mouth I got angrier.

"Then you are asking for a war".

Anthony laughed harded,"A war? Wars are fought against equaling sides. Just with technology alone Evian would be no match. Humans are weak. You will fall in line. Your primitive ways are predictable". I swallowed my  anger like it was a firey-seed and forgot to drink something cool, and it grew in my belly until it came out as hot as any dragon has ever flamed.

"Yet you still need us. You underestimate us. We're not primitive were disenfranchised in a system that was never made for us to succeed but to serve. We're the species that explored every corner of this Earth. We put a man on every planet in our galaxy. We're smarter than you think", I said picking up the one of the steak knifes and running it across my palm. I watched Anthony's eyes became black and blood shot red. He lunged for me but stopped short as I reminded him,"We don't want to get social workers and the press involved do we? I mean I am just a primitive predictable human but I think that bite of your will bite you in the ass?"

I squeezed my fist tightly making blood dip on to the white carpet. Anthony was fighting a battle he could not let his vampiric side win. He dropped the floor and licked my blood from the carpet on all fours,"There are no weak humans. I am descended from greatness species that ever lived from now until the time of Adam. It runs in my veins. You..." I said kneeling down with vemon making sure he heard me,"You are a parasite that can't even step into the sunlight".

Anthony raised his head up and hissed at me before returning to the rug. I stood in disgust. Burning rage hissed through my body like deathly poison, screeching a demanded release in the form of violence. I felt like a volcano erupting; fury sweeping off me like ferocious waves until I remembered Emma was still here. I watched the sparkle in her eyes fade with disappointment and for a second I wavered "What is wrong with you? Do you have anything idea what you've done!"

"More than you've ever had too!" I shouted stepping over Anthony. "You're privileged and delusional if you think any living person wants this".

"Then just leave!", she screamed shaking with anger,"Just go! Please!"

"You know once he's done licking the carpet he's going to go after you", I warned.

"People like you are making it impossible for us to advance. We're trying to do something good and you're fighting it", I could say the same thing to you.

You want me gone?

I'll gladly leave.

I ripped the necklace Noah gave me off and threw it at Emma,"You're nothing but a well trained dog to them. So go run to your master".

"Get out", she growled.


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