Life is Confusing

111 11 7

Chapter 31


Every time I let you out of my sight I wind up in the hospital, put on a list and three breaths away from losing all control. Thank God I ran into Aiden and he told me Haley had just taken off. Something about finding a priest? It only took a second to figure out where she was going and how stupid it was not to take a car at night!

Haley could have been kidnapped, drained, killed or raped. She smacked her head pretty hard on the concrete and after letting a paramedic look at her and give her something for the pain she was going to be loopy for the next few hours. And I wasn't going to let her out of my sight.

It wouldn't be long before the sun was up. And she was in no condition to make it back to Manhattan alone. I carried Haley in my arms into the house with Eric trailing behind me. He didn't care about Haley, he was just looking for any excuse to fight. Tonight I was happy to give it to him.

"Hi, I'm not trying to be rude or ungrateful---"

"Then don't be", Eric's snapped.

"Look, it's been a truly awful night. And I just want to make sure that her night doesn't turn out as bad as mine could have", The woman confessed.

"Noah, couldn't hurt that one", Eric said pointing to Haley,"If he wanted to".

"Still..."she said slowly climbing the stairs,"You're two vampires on the brink of day about to seal yourself in with someone who's really hurt...who can't fight you off or give consent".

I really didn't like what she was implying,"Ma'am, I don't---"

Haley jumped awake in my arms,"What happened?"

"You being a dumbass", Eric said with a roll of his eyes as he headed inside clearly finished with this conversation.

"Go fuck yourself", she yawned.

"Are you okay?" The woman asked worried coming to stand next to me.

"Oh yeah, this isn't the first time I've cracked my head open and it won't be the last", Haley joked trying to wiggle out of my arms. I set her down gingerly but she still needed me for support . "Me noggin' like a cracked egg. Where'd me eggs go".

I had no idea what Haley was trying to say. This is only proof she probably needed to go to the hospital... Again,"I think you dropped them when you tried to help me. Thank you by the way".

"Noah did the work", Haley said proudly.

"Thank you", she said sincerely to me. "You know I've only been in town a week and it's a completely different world in Therap".

That got my attention,"Are you here for the Census?"

"Yes", she answered looking in between Haley and I nervously,"I'm not trying to upset you because you could snap me like a twig. But can I call someone for you? I don't feel right just leaving you".


"Haley's not in any danger. There are two other humans in the house and we fully comply with the state. If you need to make a phone call we would be more than happy to share", I did not need to be put on any other lists or be put in any more trouble because of human rights.

"I don't feel completely comfortable being locked in the house with you. I'm suppose to report in to let my human rights social worker know tonight didn't go well. So she will have to find me someone else for the companion program. I could take her with me---"

"Noah's not bad. Eric is bad. He ripped my throat out", Haley felt the need to say as she pushed away from me and stumbled into the house.

"If you don't want to come in that's fine ma'am, but at least let us give you a ride to wherever you're going", I offered. Even though there was less than 30 minutes of night left it would takes less than a minute for someone to attack her.

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