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Chapter 69


"Are you fucking kidding me!" Kiki shouted up to the night sky as we speed walked through the empty town. It wasn't hard to find Haley I just wasn't expecting to find her in another man's arms.

She was happy.

And me showing up here would only complicate that.

"Drop it", I snapped.

"I didn't walk through hell and back so you can get cold feet. You go claim your bitch!"

"She's not mine to claim", I stated.

"So what you're just going to walk away? She owes you!"

"That's not how it works", I said walking faster.

"Don't be a bitch! If you're not going to get the girl we can at least get some free food. A good nights fucking rest".

"Fine. Why don't you go find an inn and I'll see if Lou is still around", I didn't even wait for Kiki's response I just kept walking even when I realized she wasn't by my side anymore.

I was a fool.

Of course Haley moved on...

How could she not?

And I just wanted to disappear into the night.


"Noah!" I screamed running frantically through town. The cold stinging my body and numbing me. I couldn't even move fast in this dress.

The streets were fully lit with lanterns on everyone's doorstep. There was no one around on the empty streets so I was wondering around aimlessly clearly looking for a ghost. Once I hit the main road of town I was sure I officially lost it.

"...child. That's just no room tonight", I heard Lorraine the Inn keeper's wife of the only bed and breakfast in town apologize. Tonight would be good for her business with the amount of new people in town. From the outside it looks welcoming, intimate and well maintained. Large stones and stone pillars make up most of the building's outer structure.
It's impossible to see through the small, stained glass windows, but the warmth and cozy could even be felt outside.

"Okay hear me out. I don't even need a bed I just need a warm place to ride out the night", an angry girl said. Through the open door I saw Lorraine feverishly apologizing to a blonde haired child I had never seen before.

"I'm sorry, I just don't have any rooms to give you. They've all been booked up. And I can't have you sleeping on the floor", Lorraine said apologetically. She was always meek and soft.

"Are you fucking kidding me".

"Whoa", I said walking into the end standing in the doorway.If she had a room to give you she would. Nobody's turning down money she just doesn't have the space.

"Mind your fucking business", The child said turning around with angry blue eyes and a permanent scowl on her face. She couldn't be older than 8 or 10 but she had the anger and temper of a full grown woman.

"Go fuck yourself", I shot back.

"Ladies, this is a inn not a bar. Let's turn it down with the language", Lorraine nervously stuttered out.

"Look, I've had a really rough day. If you can't help me who can? I can pay cash and I'll be gone tomorrow", The child said turning back to Lorraine.

"This is the only inn in town. If you don't have family here you're pretty much screwed", I said leaning against the door frame with my arms crossed.

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