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Chapter 62


There was something about us that attracted trouble. After everything we went through with the Revenants, Kiki and I were back on the dirt road on our way to Haley. Another week and a half had passed and I had to admit... this was hell.

How did people live like this!

Every turn and corner something wanted to kill you.

"Do you know where we're at?" I asked Kiki who insisted on walking 50 ft in front of me. We made it to Buckeye Lake 2 days ago and now I was officially the farthest I had never been inland in a long time.

"We're coming up on Connersville, Indiana there's a little village we can rest at", She said. I definitely need rest and blood. I was physically exerting myself everyday and trying not to waste a single night of walking. And that kind of exertion was taxing. "We have to make it to Bloomington before we can restock".

"And how long will that take?"

"Day and a half", fucking kill me now.

Along the path, there was tall, wild grass growing high on either side of us as we carried along into the early hours in the night. It was a bit hard to see, so Kiki took out her flashlight to help us see. In the back of my mind I hope today would be easy. Just a simple walk. But something in me screamed that wouldn’t happen.

I hung on to the thought of Haley and that's all I needed to power through. Haley's sweet scent of fresh strawberries. Her soft lips I couldn't wait to kiss again. To hear her pounding heartbeat under me.

A scream of pure terror tore through the air and I snap to attention. Kiki also looked over and scrunched up her nose a bit at the shrill scream. "Ignore it. We're burning moonlight".

“We need to go see if she’s alright,” I immediately said and started to move into the direction of the screaming woman, but I was stopped when a small hand grabbed onto my sleeve. I looked down and saw that Kiki was holding me back.

“What is it?”I asked Kiki pointedly. She wasn’t fazed by my harsh tenseness. She shook her head at me and tugged me back by my sleeve."You have to be fucking kidding me. We're helping her".

"Hear me out...what if she... deserves it?"

"What the hell is wrong with you".

“Okay...okay... ", Kiki started mumbling to herself ,"I try and get you to the middle of fucking nowhere but we have to save all of Evian to get there".

"Just try and be halfway decent person".

"Why?" She questioned.

"I'll give you 50 bucks?"

"Don’t just throw yourself out there like an idiot. If you do that, whatever is out there will gang up on you and kill you! Come on!” She started to pull my sleeve harder and guided me to the tall grass on the side of where we heard those screams from.

Kiki had us hide out in the grass and we crouched in the tall grass together. She looked like she was thinking about something, long and hard, before she looked over at me with a very serious expression.

“If you really want to go over there and see what’s happening,” She started to whisper to me, “Then we need to be smart about this, got it?”

She was talking like a grownup right now and I wasn’t sure how I felt about it exactly. I wasn’t sure whether to be proud that she was confident enough to speak with adults so independently, or if she was just being downright disrespectful of our age difference. Either way, I was not about to argue with an actual child on the matter while a woman desperately cried out for help. So I just nodded.

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