I Care

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Chapter 65


"Can you stop walking so fast?" I whispered to her as we creped through Bonnie, Illinois we had finally made it to the state. But we still had a long way to go before we made it to Chester.

Kiki ignored me. No, in fact, she increased her pace and started stomping her foot even louder.

"If you keep walking that fast and that furiously you're basically telling the Revenants where we are...!" I whispered, sharply. Kiki was out of shits to give. I couldn't prove it but I think she purposely navigated us through Bonnie knowing there were Revenants here.

"Is that a problem?" she asked, rolling her eyes, "It's you we're talking about, after all. Maybe I should call the Revenants here, you know? I'm sure you would like to help them, as well, right...? Since we're helping everybody now."

"You can't keep holding this against me. I did the right thing."

"The 'right thing' is relative to me, in case you hadn't noticed. The right thing for us to have done back then was run. Leave. But noooo... no you just had to be a hero. I think, if you put your mind to it, you might actually get these Revenants on our side."

Smart ass.

"You don't have to mock me, Kiki. I did what I thought was right. These Revenants are beyond saving. Those people weren't..."

"No, they were." Her voice got a little bit louder; "You didn't even really help them. You simply delayed their deaths. Their village was destroyed. They have zero combat and defensive abilities. They're all going to die, and they're going to die soon. That's probably going to be more Revenants for us to fight later on."

I stared at her in disbelief.

"...I can't believe you expected me to leave all those people there to die. I know you're hard, Kiki, but this is too much, even for you."

"Too much...?" she was literally shouting at me at this point, and I gestured to her to shush.

She ignored me again.

"Too much?! I could tell just by looking at some of the people from that village, and I can tell you, confidently, that if our situations were reversed; if they were the ones who had to choose between helping us or running, they would have chosen to flee without a second thought. Those people, did not deserve to live. They're typical; selfish, cowardly and wicked fuckers who would have been better off to the world dead than alive or turned into a fucking Revenant."

Hearing all of that, I took a wide step forward to confront Kiki on everything she had just said. But, just then, I heard a creak behind me, and turned quickly to see a Revenant, coming out the corner, rushing at me. It leaped on me before I could stab it, even though I had my knife already in hand, and it was all I could do just to keep it's teeth away from my face.

I signaled to Kiki to help me, but she simply stood there all pouty and angry, and fidgeted with her knife a little. We couldn't use guns, or we would alert all the other Revenants, so we had to use knives to stab them quietly as we moved around.

Seeing that Kiki obviously wasn't going to help me, I used my knee to kick the Revenant in its lower abdomen, but that had no effect. Then I kicked it again, harder and stronger this time, and it lost its balance. Swiftly, I stabbed it through the ear and its strength faded, then I let it lay down slowly beside me.

"You could have helped me, you know" I said, as I stood up and wiped my knife on the Revenants' clothes. "That Revenant came at me because you were talking too damn loud in the first place."

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