One Sky

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Chapter 63

With the Revenant outbreak heading directly home just wasn't an option. The Revenant had to come from somewhere and the main road we rode in on That's probably where. We had to hook around all the towns and even then we were still risking a lot. Nightfell and it was still going to be a long while before we made it back to Chester.

I felt my body ease. But I kept replaying the outbreak in my mind which just ramped up my heart and panic. Killing zombies when they're old and falling apart is one thing but when they're fresh and still look like people it was never easy. I felt like an executioner anytime I had to pull the trigger. And the guilt of taking their life never left me. It's probably why I have nightmares about them.

I looked up to the sky. The midnight sky becomes a sweet embrace of starry black, a fresh chance to dream anew. The moon was a warm milky glow in the sky, as if the sight of it could become a song in the eyes of anyone willing to raise their head upward. "You can catch some sleep. It's going to be a while before we make it back to Chester".

"O, umm I'm good", I looked over to our mysterious rescuer. I spent so much time focusing on what happened and trying to get us home I didn't even stop to think about him for a second. I didn't even know his name. "Thank you. I'm pretty sure we'd be dead if you didn't show up when you did".

"Just playing it forward", He smiled warmly with hazel eyes that were radiating brown sun light with an inner gold,"I'm Simon Coldwater. We've never officially met".

"Nice to meet you. I'm Haley Turner".

"I know. You came to Venedy a few years back to trade. I think you were with a guy named Nicholas?"

"Nikolai", I corrected.

"That's it. I see him all the time in Lenzburg".

"Coolent", I said not knowing where else to take the conversation to.

"So what brought you to Prairie Du Rocher... Hopefully not the revenants", he joked.

"Well you know, I love signing up for trauma", I admitted with a laugh. Out of the corner of my eyes I could see I made things awkward. Then everybody likes a dry sense of humor. And Simon did just save our collective asses. "Sorry, I don't think before I talk".

"That's fine. People that have to think too much before they talk are normally trying to sell you something or lie to you".

"I'm definitely not trying to sell you anything and I rather hurt your feelings and tell you the truth than live a lie", I confessed.

"Good to know", There was an air about Simon that was comforting. Something genuine radiated from him and it made my heart flutter. "So what was in Prairie Du Rocher?"

"Fabric, it's a long story".

"We have a long drive and I've got nothing but time", He shrugged trying to keep an eye on the road and me.

"My mom was born in Prairie Du Rocher. And she moved to Chester when she got married. In her opinion Prairie Du Rocher has the best materials. So we go anytime there's a big event", I explained.

"Are you going to the Winter formal? I think there's four villages putting on formals this year".

"This is the first year I'm going. Normally, my sisters go to all of them so I'll see what it's like this year", I stated.

"You're not missing much. I take my sisters as their chaperone every year. I can tell you it is the highlight of the season for everyone under the age of sixteen".

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