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Chapter 53

"Are you sure you don't want to come back with me?" Peter asked as I got out of the car.

Do I want to be used by the government Evian government or by the rebels? I'll pass on both. "I'm good. I could really use a gun... or anything".

I had Jesse's knife but I had over 10 hours of walking and 29 miles to cross. I knew where I was at; Satin Trading Post in Lenzburg. All road ended in Lenzburg and the car couldn't go any further. "Yeah".

Peter handed me his sidearm out the window. It was worrisome that the rebels were still using semi-automatic glocks with only... nineteen rounds. "Do you have any bullets?"

"Afraid not. So make them count", perfect. "I'll be back around Christmas to see the in-laws let you know what's going on with the first lady, bring supplies that sort of stuff....".

I could tell by the way he avoided my eyes on the last bit and there was something else he wanted to tell me,"What aren't you telling me?"

"This whole arranged marriage thing isn't a choice. So I'll... probably... be bringing the... wedding contract".

"Coolent", I said turning away and walking into the tall grass. From this hillside I could see the market just below the hill. The village homes were stamped in the wide valley as if placed by some careful and meticulous collector. I looked up to the sky to see why. Sun-kissed white clouds blossom in the gray green sky, the wind was strong. And in the long horizon sky takes on silver hues, those deeper graphite tones that promise good rain.

God damn it I wish I wore pants and not a freaking dress.

"Haley! Wait!" Peter said jumping out of the car.

"Peter, I don't need you", my anger at everything around me was putting me in emotional debt fast.

"Think of it this way. we'll have two separate lives and we only have to put up with each other every 6 months. That's a happy marriage, you can do what you want, I'll do what I want---"

"Because that's exactly what every girl wants to hear, Peter!" I shouted as I reach the bottom of the grassy hill and made my way into the empty market. Every stall was empty and the once bustling trade center was completely deserted with only the sound of my footsteps in the dirt echoing around us. The thunder came as emotional rollercoaster when twinned with the earthbound lightning.

"I feel like this is personal?"

"Getting married to you is a personal offense!" I screamed power walking my way forward.

"Why do you feel the need to hurt me with your words?", He said facetiously following behind me.

"Because I only have 19 bullets", I complained.

"Are you still mad about the penicillin? I thought I took care of that years ago. We were kids!"

"A snake never changes. Trading with you is one thing, but having you permanently in my life is a completely different thing", I fumed.

"Are you just saying that because of the whole Gloria think?"

I took the safety off of my gun and cocked it. I turned ready to shoot,"What. Did. You. Do?"

"HEY!" Peter panicked immediately raising his hands defensively,"Nothing!"

"Then why the fuck did you bring it up!?"

"We kissed for a second. That's all", I felt rage build like a deep water currents.

"Do not fuck with me Peter!"

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