An Ethical Dilemma

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Chapter 31

I didn't sleep.

I needed answers.

Answers Noah couldn't give me. And after scouring the ether, I didn't find any answers. But I felt a heartbeat that's the most human thing imaginable. Isn't that what separated us from the vampires? I felt like my world was turned upside down. So Noah wasn't a vampire? No he was definitely a vampire he drank blood and he's lived for God knows how long. But his skin is warm and the heartbeat thing!

Maybe it was his instincts trying to trick me into a false sense of security. Just like how he got me to go to sleep with just his words. Maybe this was some kind of elaborate deception his body was doing. That had to be it! Just like he said he's the world's greatest predator. And this was supposed to trick me into willingly going with him. Even though I was already doing that.

I tossed and turned all night because I felt like my world was being turned upside down.

Vampires are bad. They're everything that's wrong with the world.

It was a black and white issue it was either you agreed or you didn't. Now, I wasn't so sure. Was I supposed to look at this philosophically? What makes a human a human? Is it a beating heart, is it love, a sense of purpose, a community, friends, family... I didn't know. I knew I was.

I needed a priest or some kind of a scholar to tell me what was right and wrong. I gave up on sleep. My mind wasn't going to rest until I had some small answer to my huge question. I quietly left the suite and headed into the hallway. Maybe if I talk to Raven or Emma they could... Do nothing? They were sympathizers so of course they would think... I don't know. I searched the house from top to bottom looking for Raven or Emma but I didn't find them. Maybe they went out it was still night. So I guess I'm just shit out of luck.

I rounded a corner and made my way down the grand staircase to come face to face with Aiden. He was just comfortably in black jeans and a long sleeve white tee. He gave me a small wave and a smile before trying to walk away,"Hey!"


"Do you know where I can find a priest. A vampire priest?"I said racing down the stairs.

"Thats a very specific request. Why?"

"I have an ethical dilemma that's calling me to question everything I've been taught. And you're supposed to go to faith, right?"

"Depends on the person you're turning to. Every religion is different", Aiden explained.

"Do you know a vampire priest or not?"

"Eric was a Catholic priest in his past life. I don't think he still practices".

"No shit", I said touching my neck remembering how close I almost came to death.

"I think he mostly did it to escape the draft".

"Yeah, I'll pass on that but thank you", I was ready to restart my hunt for Emma and Raven but before I could take off I had to ask,"How is your mom doing?"

"Good, if she keeps eating I think she may be walking again by the end of the month. But I'm not going to let my hopes get too high", he said cynically.

I couldn't blame him for being cynical. We always hope the best for Lily. We always encouraged her to do normal things. But sometimes that just isn't possible. And this is who she is, we're the ones who have to accept it. So it can be frustrating, I understood that. I understood that really well.

"It's the small wins that matter the most. They're the ones that should be celebrated", I offered.

"I'll keep that in mind", he gave me a small nod before heading down the hallway and disappearing.
I made my way to the front door and slid on my boots Connor had given me. All I had was the shirt Noah had let me borrow but it was good enough to be a dress. I definitely wasn't going to go into his room and ask for my pants back. They're gone.

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