Now, Ask me Why

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Chapter 72


I woke up before Haley who was sleeping soundly on my chest. I was careful not to wake her as I kissed her cheek. It felt oddly strange knowing that it was morning and I could go outside. Polar Night just didn't happen in Therap.

I shifted quickly not disturbing Haley as stood up. Since modest means extremely important in Chester I wanted to get Haley a change of clothes. That way it wouldn't look like she stayed the entire night with me. I headed outside to the and paused momentarily. It was just second nature to me to move super fast. I was hiding my vampirism so I needed to stop that. I started to walk through the barren field feeling the cold morning beat against my skin. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Haley's mother, Becca, heading into the chicken coop.

I was a bit early for anyone to be up. I walked over to the pen hating how slow I had to move. I stopped just before the metal fence as Mrs. Tunner fed the chickens.

"Good morning", I said not meaning to startle her.

She jumped briefly but quickly we composed herself and she turned around to face me. She wore a mint blue long dress with a black heavy puffy coat and matching rain boots. The chickens all crowded around her as she threw some more feed to the ground. "I never would have considered you to be an early bird. Good morning".

That was a backhanded compliment but I would take it,"Can I help you with anything?"

Mrs. Turner shook her head no. And she went into the hen house and came back out with a bucket of eggs,"I highly doubt you want to collect water, milk the cow, do the laundry, grocery shopping, cooking and cleaning".

And all by hand.

"I'm not afraid of work", It's not like I hadn't lived through a time where we had to do these things.

"Good, then you'll have your job cut out for you with Haley", She said coming out of the chicken coop with her bucket in hand. "Did you two talk?"

"Yes", I said taking the bucket of eggs away from her so I could carry them up to the house.

"And what did you decide?" Mrs Turner said pushing back a few fly away hairs from her face.

"We're still working on it", We didn't have a real plan set in stone. We floated some ideas to each other but I already knew that's not what Haley wanted.

"After a whole night, you would think you would have come up with something".

I couldn't really gauge Mrs. Turner. But, I felt caught, in a way I hadn't since I was a child. "The fault is completely mine. Haley didn't---"

"I'm not upset by it, like I said last night Haley is an adult. What you two do privately and consensually isn't an issue for me", She explained. My face twisted in confusion as Mrs. Turner stopped walking,"Now, ask me why?"

I stopped and asked,"Why?"

"I want Haley to have a long life", honestly was not expecting that from her.

"What exactly do you mean by a long life?"

"A long human life. I want you to take her back to Therap", she confessed.

"Why?" It basically took an act of God to make Haley change her point of view just on the idea that vampires weren't all bad. And I thought that ideology would have come from her parents. Maybe a little bit of propaganda sprinkled on top. But, I didn't get that sense from Mrs Turner.

"We're very family-centric community. It's one of the things I love about Chester. I don't know one person in town that wouldn't give the shirt off their back to me or anyone that needed it. We're a good community and when one person hurts we all hurt".

"That's a wonder and a rarity", I stated.

"I raised my kids to be good people. To be proud of whatever they decide to do. And when Haley was little I remember trying to figure out what skills she had. She couldn't sow, cook or clean. I didn't want her to be a labor, long hours back-breaking work, no mother wants that for their daughter. I never in my wildest dreams though Haley would be a Runner. Let alone a successful one".

I didn't know what I should and shouldn't say in this moment. But if Mrs Turner was being open and frank then I wanted to be too,"I think we're thinking the same thing. I've asked Haley why out of everything she could have done why this and it always comes back to this is the best way she feels like she can help her family. Which is admirable and a great reason---"

"It's not. I never wanted the runner lifestyle for Haley. I would rather starve in the dead of winter then send my child out on a suicide mission. Because that's what they are. Every time they go out someone doesn't come back. And I am terrified for the day when she just doesn't come back. And what for? A few cans of meat, blankets and expired medicine. I pray you can convince her to just go. I would rather I never see my daughter again but knowno she's living a full safe and happy life then her stay here and die. I don't expect you to know the hierarchy and politics that are at play. But, eventually my worst nightmare will come true when Nikolai shows up on our doorstep and tells Haley she's the one that's in charge of runs now. Because he's been grooming her for this since she was nine. And if he asked she'd say yes".

"If you're so against it, why are you saying something now?"

"Because you're here. I can't convince Haley she's wrong. Because she's not, her job is incredibly noble and self-sacrificing. I just don't want my daughter to make the ultimate sacrifice. I have brought this up before, you'd be surprised how quickly people turn on you... Oh, even my own husband has this delusional idea of grandeur of Runners. If I ride her, or push her too hard I'll lose my relationship with Haley. She doesn't talk about what happens on the runs but I can see in her eyes every time she comes back a little bit more of her dies. She's done this for close to 14 years. How much more can she give before she doesn't have anything left. If she has an opportunity to live, to experience life, of course I want her to take that. I whole hardedly encourage it because no else is going to give her the opportunity".

"I want Haley to come back to Therap with me. I love her with all my heart. But, the choice has to be hers. I can't make her come with me", I emphasized.

"You have more sway then you think", she said as we continued walking up to the house. "I left some fresh clothes in the barn for the both of you. And your sister, stayed with the girls over night".

"My what?"

"Would you rather Kiki be your sister or your daughter? Why else would a full grown man be traveling with a child across state line?"

O well, when you put it that way,"Sister is fine".

Now that we were at the front door Mrs. Turner took the bucket and as she walked up the two steep steps she stated,"Haley works today. So it would be quite kind if you did her chores".

She was going to go hard on this matchmaking. "Of course".

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