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Chapter 27


"I'm going to need a hundred more", Giovanni stated hovering over the the bench press wrapped up in some book while I was abusing myself. The gym was my new home. After what I did to Haley I deserve some kind of punishment. But working out did little to take my mind off of Haley. I lifted the heavy weighted bar up and down staring up to the ceiling with only one thing on my mind.

My instincts didn't care that we had worked out 4 days straight, that we were pushing ourselves to the absolute limit. I still wanted Haley. "Hey! Are you thinking about her?"

"What do you think?" I grunted.

"Just for that I'm going to need a thousand".

"Don't you have something better to do than babysit me?" I snapped.

"Absolutely, but you're putting everyone in danger because you can't control your dick around one human", Giovanni said going back to his book.

"How many times do I have to tell you?! I wasn't going to hurt her", just touching and smelling Haley was enough.

Giovanni pulled himself away from his book to give me a look that said are you serious? "Brother, you were seconds away from pulling out your dick and shoving it down her throat".

He wasn't wrong.

Ever since the hospital I'm always at extremes with anything that had to do with Haley one second I could be blistering mad at her and the other raging in lust. "This isn't normal!"

"You're just thinking with your cock. Control yourself".

"I can't!" I said throwing down the metal weight and sitting up,"I can't think straight!"

"That's why you're doing bench presses until you can. Now, work!"

"I'm serious, this isn't normal to be so consumed by one person", I confessed frustrated.

"It's not normal to be infatuated with someone? Don't kid yourself Noah you're not that special", Giovanni teased,"You've just repressed yourself for so long your instincts just snapped on one person. It's normal, dare I say even human to have a crush".

"O fuck off".

"Remember when we went to the auction house and I first saw Raven. I kept going on and on about how I had never seen a girl so beautiful so intense and she didn't even know I existed yet. You told me to just calm down and relax. You told me she wasn't going to give me the time of day anyway so why get invested.I punched you right in the throat", Giovanni felt the need to reminisce.

"And then proceeded to go absolutely broke in a bidding war", I remember that punch but I also remember giving him about five grand just so he could get his name on a list of 20 other applicants that also wanted Raven. For his entire waiting week Giovanni was an absolute wreck trying to do everything in his power to make sure Raven chose him. She did but it wasn't because he was willing to meet all of her demands but they genuinely made each other happy. So it was a perfect match.

What Giovanni and Raven went through was nothing compared to what my vampire instincts had signed us up for. Haley was going to leave Therap as soon as she could. Haley tolerated me only because we were working towards a mutual goal. I don't think she could genuinely give a vampire a chance at winning her affections. And now that I had dry fucked her against the door she was probably never going to talk to me let alone see me again. And I couldn't blame her.

"Look, you need to cool off. Take a beat and get her out of your head. Go rent a human for an hour feed the old-fashioned way and get back to your normal self. It's been a long second for you brother. But Haley isn't the one you want to tie yourself down to. You're stronger than your urges", I used to believe I was. But now I wasn't so sure.

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