Just Doing My Part

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Chapter 8

The next few days I didn't leave Noah's upstairs room. Even when everyone locked themselves downstairs in the basement I found comfort in the Sun. My throat was practically healed after Emma found some magical healing pill that I had never heard about. Suddenly, I was starting to realize how different our world were. In Therap they had doctor's, medicine and the best technology. There wasn't even a comparison to Evian.

Knock knock!

"It's me", Noah announced. The sun was gone and it was time to face the reality of night.

I stood up from the nook overlooking the property and crossed the huge plush black and dark wood suite. It had modern amenities but was minimalistic which I was starting to see was more in line with Noah's personality. I stood up on my tiptoes and looked through the peephole to make sure it was just Noah and no one else. It was just him and I open the door. He was dressed casually in dark blue jeans and a white t-shirt. His lucious hair was wet as if he had just taken a shower. I shut the door behind him and he held up two big white paper bags,"Some clothes".

"Tired of me being in your closet?" I smiled. I was basically living in his t-shirts that were dresses on me. Today's onsemble was a dark green tee and no shoes.

Noah placed the bags on the unmade bed and turned to face me. His gaze was heavy as his eyes slowly wandered up and down my body. "I don't think there's much you can't pull off".

I struck a pose that made him laugh and jumped onto the bed to see what he got me,"Thank you".

"It's the least I can do", he said sitting on the edge of the bed watching me,"Especially after being hit with human rights violation fines".

Funny enough doctor Simon and Debbie weren't playing around about how I was allegedly being treated. Noah had thousands of dollars in fines but it didn't bother him. He just paid them so money was no real problem from him.

"And Eric?" I asked pulling out a dress that barely covered anyting.

"The major general is "still having words" with him", I really hope that was code for they were kicking his ass.

"Any updates on the clip?"

"None yet. I was going to head into town and see if I could find some equipment that can help me bypass all the security locks",he answered laying back on the bed.

"Why don't you tell your boss what you found? He seems reasonable enough maybe he has some genius hackers in his back pocket or something", I thought out loud as I pulled out what I imagined was underwear at one point in time. This was just black string now. I tossed it aside.

"It's really bad timing and then I would have to explain you".

"Explain away", what more could be done to me that hasn't already been done.

"It's not that simple", well there was definitely a story there. I pushed the bags out of the way and I laid down next to Noah on my side propped up.

"I know my half of the story. Why do I feel like there's more to yours?" He looked up to me and for a moment I saw a softness in his eyes. For one moment I could tell he was battling something in his mind,"I promise I won't be mad ....just disappointed".

Noah chuckled and sat up. With his back to me he spoke,"My unit is one of many that fights the Revenants. There are many people and vampire that see a conflict of interest with how we get blood. A lot of people think that we should have public rations like everyone else. And then there are those that think we should adopt more one-on-one donations. And there are lots of holes and problems with all of them. One-on-one you risk abuse and with public bribery and tainted blood. If the public finds out that people are going missing for the Census they'll be riots. And Therap can't handle an attack from the Revenant and its own people".

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