A Day From Hell

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Chapter 38

Mey and I ran. I took the lead as she kicked off her heels. I could hear the attacks and blood curdling screams of the people behind us as they were mercilessly attacked and the trainees that tried to “save” them. Apparently, this simulated training wasn’t good enough since they were falling victim to the revenants in the end.

I glanced up as we passed a building. I saw a camera there with a blinking red light on top, and I knew that someone had to be watching. Those cameras had to be for watching the trainings to make sure it was all going right, but now these cameras were picking up death.

“The buildings! Mey, let’s get to higher ground!” I called back to her.

She nodded. “Got it!”

It was a no brainer and a basic means to survival right now. The higher we could be above Revenants, the higher our chances of survival. Mey and I didn’t have any weapons, but once we got somewhere safe, we could work around the Revenants and retrieve weapons or make some effective ones of our own.

Before we could start our climb up though, Mey and I ran by and spotted some other human trainees. Instead of leaping in to help people that were literally dying right now, they were all huddled up in a random building. They were terrified, but more importantly, they were armed.

I sighed heavily and ran right up to the building. Mey followed close behind me. I walked right into the door way and garnered their attention. “Don’t just stand there waiting for those Revenant to get you! Fight back! Do something!" I called out to them.

They did nothing. I was talking to a bunch of terrifying children.

Maybe I could use that to my advantage...

I walked further into this building and realized that it was a saloon. There was a bar and alcohol and a whole bag of peanuts. It wasn’t a lot, but it was enough.

“Grab the peanuts and alcohol and bring all your shit up to the roof!” I barked out at everyone. Even though my directions were mostly directed at the men, Mey jumped right in to bring as much as possible to the roof too.

I didn’t want to be here in the first place, and the very last thing that I wanted to do was to look after these guys, but that really couldn’t be helped right now. Everyone gathered themselves, their weapons, the alcohol, and the bag of peanuts for whatever sustenance that they could collect for later on the rooftop. I lead everyone up the stairs in a clatter and went straight up to the rooftop. Once we made it, I made sure everyone was on the rooftop as I made my way back towards the door.

I counted heads and once it was clear to me that everyone was there, I slammed the door shut and locked it.

“Okay…” I sighed out before I turned around to gather up everyone’s attention. My eyes were fierce and I was not joking around when I addressed everyone.

“Okay, this isn’t a joke or a drill,” I walked through the crowd again and made sure everyone could hear me over the sound of attacks and screams of terror from down below, “I want you all to strip your clothes off right now.”

"Why?" one of the guys asked dripping with sweat.

"You can do what I say. Or take your ass off this roof. Now, Strip", I demanded.

All the men and Mey lifted their heads to look at me, and at first, everyone seemed confused and caught off guard by what I said. Mey was the first one that started to calm down.

“You guys heard her, start taking off your clothes!” Mey said backing me up and started to slip off her shirt off.

The guys averted their eyes from Mey’s body like a bunch of gentleman, but most of them started to take off their clothes since the situation was way too dire to stall for time. They manned up and did as I said.

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