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Chapter 35

Today was great.

I hung out with Mey And we basically just ate until she had to leave. She had another interview with a vampire to see if this was going to be the match for her. I made her promise that she would take a taxi there and a taxi back to her social worker. She promised not wanting a repeat of the other day. We also decided since she didn't have a phone or anyway to contact me that we would meet in Manhattan on Friday and get brunch at the tea house my grandmother had showed me. I was still curious to see if she was going to find her forever home or would she just say screw it and get a job.

Since I was in the city I tried to go visit Connor. But Chloe's had a line wrapped around the building with people dying to get in. So he was more than a little busy. I wanted to know what happened with him and the pizza girl. But I guess it was going to have to wait.

It was only two in the evening so I decided to go back to Manhattan and scan the area near the river to see if I could find any clues to the underground blood ring. All I found was a really bad rat problem and pollution.

So these people definitely had to be on Noah's side of the river. I went back to the mansion hoping to share my lack of leads with Noah. I couldn't stay for long but I only needed a moment.  Without a moment to spare I when directly to Noah's suite threw the door open and went into his room,"Rise and shine, sleepyhead! Where are you going?"

Noah was dressed in military gear, from his combat boots to his Kevlar vest. He was dressed for war. He sat at the foot of his bed tying up his shoes.

"To work", he answered.

"Aren't you supposed to get like 7 days on 7 days off something like that? Didn't you just go out?"

"I don't think you get to tell the US military when you'll do something. They call, I answer and go", He said I'm coming to stand in front of me,"Did you go out in your nightgown?"

"It's very comfy", I smiled. I spent the entire day out and no one made my cheeks flush or heat scorched through my body the way Noah did when he looked at me. "So, that girl that you helped. She came by and as it would turn out we are both from Illinois. Can you believe that? And I checked out the spot you said the underground blood trade could be at. There was nothing there and I'm a billionaire. Go figure".

"Anytime I think of Illinois now I'm going to think of a hundred of you just running around", He laughed himself.

"100 of me, we could take over the world. A whole new world order", I imagined.

"And as far as the blood trade. We still have those other two sites I have to check out. And I will definitely get on as soon as I get back".

"When are you coming back?" I asked.

"It's a short assignment. Only two or three days. We're showing some new recruits how to patrol in a town. So we're going to St Mary's, Pennsylvania. It's small enough to get the job done and once they get it they'll be left there to defend it and I can go home".

"Is that by Rome, Pennsylvania?"

Noah shook his head No,"It's in the complete opposite direction. Worried about me?"

"Yeah, depending on which direction you're going".

"It's about 120 something odd miles from lake Erie", that made me breathe a sigh of relief.

"Good, you really shouldn't cross into Canada. Especially, Old Cut",I warned.

"Do I want to know what's there?"

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