One Week

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Chapter 66


"Stupid piece of shit! Kiki screamed kicking the beat down truck as if that was going to fix the problem. I'm laying up against the side door letting her take out her frustrations on the car not me. With my arms crossed I looked up to the moonless night sky.

"It's out of gas".

"We're so close!"I grabbed her backpack from out of the truck and threw it over my shoulder. Finally, some good news.

"You think we'll make it to Lenzburg before sunrise".

"Hell yes!" Kiki said snatching  the backpack away from me and quickly slinging it on her back. every time I looked up it's like we're in the middle of nowhere but now we were truly in the middle of nowhere with nothing but grass and a dirt road.

"So realistically we could be in Chester by..."

"I'd say by the end of the week", She said as we marched forward.

"And what day is today?"

Kiki sniffed under her arms and jerked away from the smell,"Monday".

"How did..." I shook my head not wanting to talk about what I just witnessed,"Nevermind".

"When we get to this cum stain of a town put in a good word for me so maybe I can get a ride to one of the major cities. I'm going to ride out this winter in Chicago".

"You have family there?"

"HA, no. I'm going to stay in one of the homeless shelters and sell some feet pics on the ether until I can hitchhike my way back to Zoey", that really didn't sit right with me. God knows What happens in those shelters especially to young women traveling alone.

"Why don't you just stay in Chester for the winter if it gets that bad?"

"Probably don't have any electrical or running water. Better to be in a homeless shelter with heat than in a one-room hovel huddled around a fire desperate to stay warm", she commented.

I picked up my speed until I was walking side by side to Kiki. "You know... I have to get back to Therap no matter what Haley decides".


"It's a long way from Chester back to Therap", I waited for her response that never came. But I could see the wheels feverishly turning in her head.


"Do you want some company?"

"Hey you only paid for one way. If you're going back that'll be another 50k and we get to keep the car", at least she was a businesswoman.

"How about an opportunity?"

"I don't deal with broke bitches", She said with a role of her eyes.

"How about a lucrative business opportunity that could potentially change you and Zoey's life?"

"I'm listening".

"Come work for the military", I suggested.

"Fuck off".

"Hear me out. The amount of knowledge you have of Evian and Revenants in general.. It's almost priceless", I could practically hear her frowning,"But if you attach the price to it you could make out like a bandit. You wouldn't have to be a smuggler, you could retire with Zoey by the time you're 12".

"Not buying it. I'm no one's dog".

"You could go to school, live in a mansion, have a book deal, movies made about you, you'd be a celebrity---"

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