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Chapter 64

Once we made it home Dad promised that he would never let us outside of Chester without him again.

And then dad had fallen in love with Simon because they were almost the same. They both came from relatively small family, both had to in his words "became the man of the house" at an early age and Simon lived on a farm too.

After two days of Simon being in Chester I learned he was just one of those people that everyone gravitated towards. I hadn't seen anything like it since Gloria who also gravitated towards Simon. I wanted to say it was just because he was... Attractive. I wasn't blind I could see that he was conventionally beautiful with a toned body, hypnotic hazel eyes and a smile brighter than the sun. He only got more attractive because it didn't seem like he had one negative trait about him. Simon always lent a helping hand, he always seemed put others before himself and he wasn't afraid of hard work. Even when every girl in town was throwing themselves at him he was still nothing but respectful and gentlemanly.

I was thankful for what Simon did to save us but I was more concerned about Nikolai. He's never gone this long without checking in. So this morning after I did my chores I bundled up in two winter coats and headed over to Jesse's house so that we could go to the tower. And in a moment I am cast in crimson, bathed in a rosy glow. I moved my fingers through the air that grows brighter with each passing moment until it becomes a new bold day. I watch as my breath rises skyward.

I went around to the side of the house and banged on Jesse's window. Was he happy about waking up before nine? Hell no, but this was more important than him sleeping in like he always did.

Besides it was our day to be in the tower. Jesse was on gun duty and I was messing around with the radio at the little desk. a channel served with one hand and had the other ready to write down any emergency information I may come across. "Do we still use frequency 121.5?"

"That's the only one for civilians", Jesse yawned.

I put down my pen and paper and twisted my body around to Jesse,"Don't you feel like something is wrong? Nikolai has never gone this long without reaching out to us".

"He's dealing with a newborn baby. Not exactly the easiest task he's probably exhausted", Jesse said turning around to face me and zipping up his brown leather jacket pulling it closer to his chest.

"But still, that's not Nikolai. He was only supposed to be gone for a few weeks now we're heading into winter and he may be stuck there permanently. We haven't done any runs and can you honestly say we're ready for winter?"

"Yes, with the Census taking a few people out of town we'll make it. We may be eating a lot of rice and corn. But we can definitely make it till spring", I was relieved to hear that. But at the same time I still had a sinking feeling about Nikolai. "Relax Haley-Belle, we're going to do just fine".

"I think around lunch time I'll go see Jonathan. Maybe he knows something we don't".

"Doesn't hurt", Jesse said crossing his arms with a shrug.

"I'm going to check the rebels frequency just to make sure. You know all they're going to talk about is how the world is ending and how we can't trust the government".

"And about where Revenants have had a breakout? They've never gotten this close before at least not in hordes. We've had the occasional loan revenant But never a full-on outbreak. Prairie Du Rocher isn't even that far away".

"It's too early for doom and gloom. We  have the river to our back, enough food and supplies to last us until spring and enough ammunition to take down anyone that tries to go up against us. We're going to be fine", Jesse yawned again I reached down into my lunch bag and pulled out the thermos of coffee Mom had packed from me this morning. I held it out to Jesse who gratefully took it. "Thanks".

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