People looked around each other and wondered who would turn up to face the former beta's son. Though Garrick was not at the same level as Einar but still he was a skilled fighter nonetheless. Add it to the fact that he had been trained along side the Alpha and had never lost to anyone aside from his best friend. After long anxious breaths a tall muscular man raised his hand and marched his way to stand in front of Garrick. It was Aldous.

After waiting for a few brief moments Einar spoke again "I guess that's it for Garrick then." He looked towards Arthur and gestured his hand "The ones who wish to challenge Arthur may step forward." 

Tusker and two other men made their way to stand in front of the former gamma's son.

"Finally the ones who want to face the head warriors son may step forward."

To the astonishment of everyone in the stands, a chain of people lined up in front of Callan. The numbers were such that three rows had to be formed to accommodate the challengers. 

While some laughed at the situation, people close to Callan were tensed and worried for he was outnumbered by a large factor. To face so many people and overcome their confrontation was out of the bounds challenge for Callan. He cautiously put a brave front in front of his opponents and smirked in artificial confidence.

Callan knew he was cornered.

On the outside he was showing a courageous front while on the contrary he was scared and lonely from within. People were sure of the demise of the Ashton legacy with Callan's defeat. He could see it in their eyes. The hatred; the rage; the detest for him. Like every particle in the universe was pitted against him. 

And then he saw the smiling face of his mother.

She gleefully smiled and swept the tear drops from her chin. She lifted one of her thumbs to him and cheered him with her love. That was all what Callan needed. The simple gesture from his mother gave a new zeal of confidence to him. Instead of caring about the outcome, he decided to give his all in the matches.

Einar whistled to gain attention of the muttering crowd "Let me summarize the rule for you once again. Every opponent will be picked at random to face the defenders. You can either fight in your wolf or human form. You have to force your opponent to submit. This process will continue till only a single man stands tall. He will be declared the winner."

Einar held the hammer with a big wooden head and struck the large metal disc "Let the bouts begin." He than gave the hammer to the announcer and sat near a smiling Rosaline.

The first match to be announced was between Aldous and Garrick. Both the men took their respective stance in the ring and waited for the match to start. As soon as the metal ringed, both the men turned into their respective wolves and snarled at each other. They circled around the circumference judging each others actions before making a powerful dash to the centre. Both the bodies collided with a great force while their muzzles were trying to dominate the other mouth. They used various manoeuvres to subdue the other. There was growling, biting and rolling over each other; all to show their dominance over the other. The onlookers cheered, screamed and placed bets to decide who would win the fight. 

Up until now both the wolves were critically injured. Bleeding, claw marks, broken bones and other injuries was a common sight. Einar was worried for his friend but at the same time he was thoroughly impressed by the resistance that Aldous had put on. To level a wolf of Garrick's calibre was no small feat and for Aldous to stay put in this match for so long was commendable.

With haggard breaths and injured legs both the contenders circled each other. Garrick realised that Aldous was wasting time to regain his strength and his end was near. He found an opportune moment when Aldous slightly faltered moving ahead and launched himself over his opponent with all his might. Aldous was thrashed to the ground by the weight of Garrick's wolf and the canines were now piercing through his mane deeper and deeper. With nowhere to run Aldous reluctantly buried his head to the ground and whined. The announcer crashed the gong with the hammer indicating that Aldous had submitted and the match was over. Every member in the arena stood up for the wolves with a thunderous applause appreciating the valor and will power of the fighters.

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