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Today was the day of Avani's friends giving and I am currently stuck on what to wear, Hailey and I were deciding but due to her tomboy appearance, she wasn't much help.

"I think you should go with jeans and a white shirt and a cardigan," she suggests.

"I might take you up on that," I assure her, pulling out a pair of grayish/light blue mom jeans and a white tank top with thin straps. I walk into the bathroom and squeeze into the clothing and tuck in the tank top.

It was very tight, pushing up my breasts as I walk out and Hailey stares at me in awe.

She stands up, re-opening my closet and pulling out a knitted gray cardigan to go perfectly with the outfit. "You should we're this with it along with your air forces." She states I nod with a smile.

When we are all ready I yell to my parents that we are leaving and head into the direction of Avani's house.

The car ride is filled with Austin wondering is he should've bought gifts, Hailey agreeing, me telling them that it's fine and no one else is bringing gifts and Austin complaining about my music choice of Disney soundtracks.

"I assume you two are Austin and Hailey!" Avani explains as she opens the door of here welcoming home. She gives each a hug before proceeding with a conversation "I'm so happy to finally meet you guys! I've heard so much about you."

Once we're settled, I'm seated next to Josh as people are scrambling around the kitchen to put food on their plates while we were first to be done.

I had grabbed turkey, mashed potatoes with gravy, sweet potatoes that have mini marshmallows on top, and apple cider in my fancy wine glass.

"You look very cute tonight," Josh comments, taking a sip of his fizzling drink. I blush at his words as he briefly rubs his hand across my thigh but continues to reach for the napkins next to me.

"Smooth one," I tell him as he smirks.

"Okay, so as you guys know... legal drinking age here is nineteen so Addison is currently the only exception, but since there are no parents after dinner it's party time and a majority of the school has been invited," she informs us, chirping into the dining room.

My nerves build-up at the thought of being so claustrophobic inside such a huge crowd like that. Hell, I could have an anxiety attack.

Our seating arrangement is settled once everyone has their food with Josh to my right, Austin and Hailey to my left, Payton, Chase, Avani, and Anthony across from us with Addison and Bryce on one end, Dixie and Noah to the other end with the exception of Charli on a corner.

As we eat, we have small talk about each other's lives, some asking about their plans for college, low key making me sad at the thought of them leaving me. Some said they'll be going to places in-state while others are planning to go across the country.

Dinner flew by and when we are stuffed, the doorbell rings multiple times with people I've never seen pour into the large house. There are red solo cups all over her kitchen counters along with tons of bottles and coolers which I assume are filled with alcohol.

I walk around looking for the people I shouldn't be loosing right now, trying to squeeze through the crowds of people.

With my lack of luck, I find no one and decide on heading upstairs to find an empty room to take a small break. When I find an empty room which I remember as being her quest room, I go to wiggle the bathroom doorknob to find it locked.

I feel around my hair, trying to remember where my Bobby pin had gone.

Grabbing it, I pull it apart and place the top side into the little hole, pressing it hard enough to hear the click of unlocking it.

I'm shocked when I open the door to see a familiar face slumped on the toilet seat naked with a random redhead leaning down to his lower area.

I gasp at the face of Lucas receiving a long-awaited blow job from a random girl he probably found roaming around the house.

They don't notice my presence until I step back and slam the door and walking away when I hear a slight groan and a high-pitched gasp.

I run downstairs, running into tall men and women, to find anybody that I know as I stumble into the kitchen.

Josh, Anthony, and Avani are all standing around and sitting on the island counter.

"Hey girl," Avani greets, Josh and Anthony wave, almost in sync.

I look at her with a queasy look, uncomfortably.

"Have a shot!" Anthony exclaims pouring a bottle with a navy blueprint and a clear liquid, pouring it into a small shot glass.

I oblige, taking the tiny glass between my thumb and pointer finger, choking down the burning fluid.

I gag for a second, coughing from the burn before slamming the glass down on the counter. "Get me another one."

Anthony grabs the same bottle, pouring the substance into the glass as I pick it up and swallow in one sip. After repeating myself as before. I point towards a clear bottle with a clearing brown colored drink inside. "What's that?"

"Rum." Josh answers.

"Give me a shot of that."

"You want straight rum?" Avani asks. I nod. She pours it and I take the shot, this one tasting more bitter.

I put the glass down, grabbing a red solo cup and a soup scooper to pour myself whatever it is and taking a small sip before walking back to my three friends.

"Woah, slow down on the drinks, Sav," Josh warns, pulling my cup away from my tinted lips. I shake my head no. "You're going to throw up,"

"I don't give a fuck, okay?" I spit, walking away with my cup in hand.

I start making my way to the backyard from the suffocating scent but as I do, I run into someone with another red solo cup, filled to the top with beer, having it pour down the front of my body, even inside my shirt.

I look down in disgust, "fucking... bitch." I mutter to myself in which he can't hear me.

"Sorry, not my fault you're a hot mess," he comments with a slight look up and down. I flip him off, walking through the back door and to the side of her house.

My drink is nearly gone as I walk around the same rectangle of grass barely even able to keep my balance.

I feel a hand on my shoulder causing me to turn around and slap the person on the cheek with my palm.

That person was Josh.

"Savannah what the hell?" He yells, his voice loud and clear of hurt.

"Sorry," I spit with sass, turning my back towards him and continuing to walk in a circle.

"What the fuck is wrong with you? Are you drunk?" He screams over the loud music that had just started to play.

Before I can respond, I lean over next to the fence and hurl everything I have eaten or drank within the last few hours onto the rocks.

As my fluids come out, Josh runs over to me and rubs my back and starts to speak words of comfort which does not help.

"God damnit Sav, your parents are going to kill you!" He shouts at me as a stand up and wipe my mouth with the back of my hand.

"My parents aren't going to know," I state sternly, not really knowing what I would tell them.

"Then what're you gonna do?"

"Go back to your place..."


Dang, Savannah is a bitch when she's drunk.

What do you think will happen? Comment!

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