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"Oh no, I really shouldn't I have to go to the airport early tomorrow but thank you for the offer." I smile and he nods, heading in the direction of my house.

"Thanks for the ride," I thank, shutting the door and silently slipping open the front door and making sure to lock it after.

My parents weren't awake, thank god. I head into the kitchen, grabbing water, and then heading into my room.


I was getting ready to go to the airport to pick up Hailey and Austin.

I was dressed in black leggings, a cropped white t-shirt, and a bear fuzzy coat. I was very comfortable, well comfortable for seven in the morning.

They had an early flight and had to board at two in the morning from Miami. Their flight lasts about five hours and the airport is an hour away. They should be landing within that hour.

"Hey, mom?" I yell as I walk downstairs with my wallet and phone in hand.

"Yes?" She yells back, seeming to be heard from the kitchen. I walk in and set my items on the counter.

"Can I borrow the car? I need to go pick up Austin and Hailey. Is the guest bedroom clean?" I ask, slipping on my air forces after walking into the mudroom.

"Yes, I'll vacuum while you're gone." She comes up to me, handing me my stuff and leaving a sweet kiss on my cheek. "I love you, be careful."

"I love you too, I will," I assure her, grabbing the car keys off the rack.

As I connect my phone to the stereo and pull out of the driveway, I listen to a random summer vibes playlist, making me think of the good times Austin and Hailey must have to live in Florida.

I was scared to meet them, honestly. But I know that they like me, so I just hope it all goes well.


"Hello, my names McKenzie, welcome to Dunkin Donuts, what can I get started for ya?" The lady taking my order asks through the microphone as I into the drive-through of Dunkin.

"Hi, could I get a half-dozen of glazed donuts, iced coffee with Caramel swirl, a regular cappuccino, and hot chocolate, all in medium please," I exclaim, telling the- McKenzie my order.

"Will that be it for you?" She asks as my whole order pops up on the screen.

"Yes, thank you."

"Okay, your total is going to be $14.32 at the window, thank you." I move forward behind the Range Rover in front of me, waiting for my food and drinks.

When I get to the window I'm met with a beautiful redhead with a small box of donuts and gloves on. She re-reads my order and I nod approving it.

"Would you like a drink carrier?" She asks, I nod.

She hands me the drinks and I put them in the passenger seat after putting my iced coffee in my cup holder then I hand her my debit card.

The rest of the drive was a solid fifty minutes until I was able to park and head through the automatic doors, inside.

As I sit, waiting for the two people I have yet to meet come up the escalator, I scroll through my Tik Tok, looking through comments on Charli's Tik Toks that I was in.

"Savannah?" I hear someone yells and suitcase wheels running fast on the tile. I look up to see the blonde-haired girl wearing leggings and an oversized black shirt with a red and black flannel overtop.

"Oh my god! Hailey!" I screech standing up and running into the arms of the tall girl. "I can't believe you're actually here!"

"Me either! Austin had to take a piss," she comments gesturing her hands towards the men's bathroom.

I laugh, "Ah! I'm so excited we're going to have so much fun!"

We hug for a good two minutes before a tall dirty blonde haired boy stands awkwardly next to us.

He was wearing blue basketball shorts and a light pink hoodie with the word 'champion' scribbled at top p

I separate from our embrace and engulf the muscular man in a hug.

"I'm so happy to finally meet you guys!" I cheer, looking at both of them in awe.

They get their baggage from the baggage claim and make small talk about what is planned for tomorrow as we wait.

"So... tomorrow we are going to drive to the Toronto Islands and once we get there, by the ferry, by the way, we will walk around, see some sights, do some shopping. We should leave around eight am so that we can go to your friend's house for dinner right?" Hailey explains to me.

"Yeah, you'll love Avani if you love me. Well, my personality at least," I laugh.

Once they've received their luggage, we walk back to the car, Austin sitting in the passenger seat with Hailey in the back.

I had stuffed their luggage in the trunk of my parent's 2016 Chevrolet Equinox in hopes of not damaging anything.

"I got you guys coffee," I correct myself, "well... I got Hailey coffee and Austin hot chocolate."

They laugh, I hand them their drinks and donuts as I start the car and pull out of the parking garage.

We listen to my playlist, talk about our friends, and talk about our plans for the next two weeks.

"So... Sav, any boys you're crushing on?" Austin asks, making my cheeks flush a bright red.

"Yes..." I hesitate to say. "His name is Josh."

"Wait... did she have brown hair and a sharp jawline?" Austin asks. I nod. "Josh Richards?" He practically screams, causing me to glare at him.

"Yes, I'm friends with Charli and all of them. That's also the Avani I'm talking about..." I explain as we drive cautiously on the highway.

"Really?" Hailey screeches. I nod. "I'm going to meet celebrities!"

"Yeah," I laugh.

"Josh is such a babe," Austin says and I agree.

They talk about their excitement as I slowly sip my coffee.

"You know Sav," Hailey starts, "you should try the whipped iced coffee." She suggests and I nod.

"I haven't tried it yet, is it good?"

"So good."

When we get home, I take out their luggage and wrap their shared duffel bag on my shoulder, rolling their none carry on suitcase, and both their backpacks, insisting that they don't have to carry anything saying they're our guest.

We walk in the house and greet my mother with some names and small talk before we scurry upstairs and into the guest room to get their stuff organized.

"Ew, I have to share a room with this little shit?" Austin gags.

"Language! And no, Hailey will stay in my room with me. I have a good-sized room so I can get an old mattress from the basement and put it on my floor."

They both nod and I bring Hailey's bags into my room, setting them on the floor before we both head back to Austin's room.

No cliffhanger today(:(

But I'm going to post another chapter tonight:)))

What do you guys think about Austin and Hailey?

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