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I awaken to the sound of a loud alarm next to my ear and I sit up from my comfortable position and stretch. Josh wakes up soon after. It was a short 20-minute nap but it was so worth it. "You should get going... my parents will be back soon..." I tell him and he nods getting up and putting on his shoes.

"I'll see you..." he shakes his head waiting for me to finish his sentence.

"Tomorrow," I answer not really knowing when

"Right... school" he laughs at his mistake. I walk him downstairs and out the door and he hugs me goodbye before walking out the door and slamming it behind him. I run upstairs to my room and turn on the shower and get in when it is done heating. The steamy water tumbling down my figure just like the condensation dripping down the glass shower door.

For the time I was in the shower I had zoned out for what felt like hours before I actually end up doing what was intended.

As I wash out my luxury scented shampoo, I hear the garage door open and shut below me. Knowing my parents were now home, I would have to get out sooner than I desired.

The admiration of the scorching water cane to an end when my dear mother came knocking on my bathroom door. "Savannah it's nearly midnight! What're you doing up?" She shouts over the running water.

"Yeah, I couldn't sleep!" I bicker back.

"Well get out soon! We are taking you to school tomorrow before our work shift!" Sure it can be annoying knowing my parents are work partners and that's how they met when they got out of college to become healthcare consultants. Although I shouldn't be complaining, I never see my parents so riding to school with them shouldn't be too bad unless they exchange arguments about which way they should take me in the front seat.

Having a towel cooped up with my hair never feels natural, who the f.uck came up with this? I change into a pair of blue plaid pajama pants and a loose vintage 'Nirvana' t-shirt before doing my usual skincare then going downstairs to see my dad on the couch, I walk into the kitchen pouring myself a glass of water.

"What the hell are you doing up so late?" He interrogates while shifting on the gray couch.

"Sorry I got thirsty," I say and scurry back to my room. I lay my phone and glass on my bedside table then shut off all the lights waiting for sleep to overcome me.

Unfortunately, I can't seem to let the darkness fill my mind, even after 30 minutes of keeping my eyes shut, 10 minutes of listening to rain sounds off Spotify, nor after listening to simple Netflix shows for however long I did. I obliviously grab my phone as I drum my fingers against the screen, typing a text to Josh.

Me: Josh?

Me: hey I can't sleep

Me: I have to wake up at 6:15 and I can't sleep

Me: it's literally almost midnight!

Me: I'm going insane

Me: Jack, oh Jack, take me with you

Me: I want you to draw me like one of your French girls

Me: Jack? Jack, I'm coming!

Me: Jack I love you and you saved me

Me: but now...

Me: you must save yourself!

Me: I love you, Jack!

Josh: don't go all Rose Bukater on me missy


Josh: Okay, first off I'm not drawing you like a French girl, second GO TO FUCKING SLEEP CHILD

Josh: I cannot be the one waking you up every 5 minutes tomorrow

Me: and you won't Be

Me: that's Dixie's job

Josh: why can't it be my job:(

Me: aw is Joshy sad?

Josh: no...

Josh: it's okay. Do your parents have melatonin?

Me: IDK I'll check in the medication cabinet I'll text you back in a sec.

I get up traveling to my parent's bathroom knowing they're probably still awake as they usually are. I open the reflectional cabinet And look at all the medications placed on the tiny shelves.

One thing that distracts me from my duties is when I look under the sink seeing a metallic purple box reading 'Trojan ultra thin Latex Condoms' sitting in the back. I shut it immediately before my mind runs wild about what happens between my parents and other parents. I find the Melatonin, switch of the light, then head back to my room, shutting my door noiselessly.

I grab my phone right away.

Me: we have Melatonin.

Me: I just took some...

Me: I'll see ya tomorrow. Night.

Josh: goodnight see ya

I'm updating at 5:35 am:) tea is happening and more will happen soon;)

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