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"Again," Dr. Mitchell said as he watched his eldest daughter face up against Jesse's father.

"He's kicking my ass, dad," Beca groaned when the older man helped her up. "We've been doing this for 10 minutes and I still can't figure out how to get the upper hand."

"Focus, Beca," her father replied. "Watch his movements. Everyone has a weakness when fighting. Use his power and strength against him."

Beca stared at Jesse's father who was smiling. "You can do it, Beca," he cheered her on. "I'm not going easy on you, but you can do it. You get me down and you're done."

The brunette looked at him before nodding her head and getting into a fighting position. When Dr. Mitchell told them to go, the fighting was on. They were both throwing fists and blocking them with kicks too powerful for the mundane. Beca took a kick to the side before getting hit right in the face and when a third punch was thrown, she ducked and swung her leg out only for the more experienced man to jump over it.

When she stood back up, she watched his every move, time started to slow down. She noticed how he shifted his weight a little too much to his front leg and when she looked back up, his fist was coming at her again so she switch her legs. She stepped to the side as she caught his arm with her right hand while bringing her left hand up to wrap around his upper torso before she flipped him to the side.

"There she is!" Jesse and Stacie cheered on as well as Amelia who was clapping and whistling.

Beca smiled as her chest was raising and lowering in order to catch her breath.

"Good one," Jesse's father smiled as Beca held out a hand for him to take. "I told you, you could do it."

"Thank you, Mr. Swanson," Beca voiced her gratitude and he just gave her a pat on the back before walking over to his wife and gave her a quick kiss.

"Good job, Beca," her father said and called Amelia and Stacie's mother up to spar. While they were doing that, Beca sat down on the grass beside her two friends.

"You okay?" Jessie asked. "You should be happy; you just kicked my dad's ass."

The three of them shared a small laugh before Beca answered. "Yeah, it's just Chloe. I felt so bad for doing her like that. She definitely deserves better but I don't know what to do and she's mad at me."

"Oh, come on, Becs," Stacie had said as she leaned into Beca. "It's Chloe we're talking about here. I don't think she can truly ever be mad at you." She paused. "This feels like déjà vu."

Beca just looked at her with furrowed eyebrows at her last comment. "I'm just tired of hurting her. I keep having to ditch her at the last minute because of this crap we're doing."

"When are you going to finally ask her out?" Jesse asked and the shorter brunette gave him a death glare.

"She's doesn't like me like that."

"Yeah, you're absolutely lying through your teeth," Stacie said and Amelia fell straight onto her back right in front of them before quickly jumping back up to her feet. "You like her. She likes you. You guys literally make out nearly every time you're alone. And even if you didn't make out constantly behind all our backs, she still kissed you and last I checked, Chloe doesn't exactly go around kissing people."

That shut Beca up and she just sat there watching the adults fight now, Amelia coming over to sit down with them.

"You know, I think I like your blonde hair better," Jesse announced as he looked at Stacie's long brown hair.

"Eat my ass," she feigned hurt and he just smirked.

"Turn around then," he replied and all three young women gave him a look of disgust.

"Ew Jesse!" Stacie shouted as she smacked him hard on his arm.

"Ow! What? Come on it was funny!" He laughed but the girls just looked away from him.

"So how do I make it up to her?" Beca asked as she laid back against the soft grass.

"Apologize?" Jesse suggested.

"Oh my gosh I wonder why I haven't thought of that," Beca replied sarcastically and they all just laughed.

"You could always surprise her with a picnic to watch the stars on the roof or something," Amelia suggested as she watched the four adults take each other on.

The three other teenagers were surprised at her willingness to offer any idea instead of a sarcastic rude remark.

"That's actually not a bad idea." Stacie said and Beca just smiled at the ground as she spaced out and thought about how she could make the perfect evening for Chloe.

She could bring all Chloe's favors it's things and different foods. She could bring her favorite flowers and maybe some chocolate. She was brought out of her thoughts whenever her father called her and Amelia up.

"What's up, dad?" They asked in unison and the next thing she knew, her legs flew out from underneath her and she was flat on her back, trying to catch her breath.

"What was that?" She called out before the same thing happened to Amelia. The two women turned to look at Stacie's mother and Jesse's father looking down at them.

"It's two on five. You two are up first, keep your eyes out and your attention focused," their father informed.

The two teenagers stood back up and got ready in their fighting stance, keeping an eye on the adults. They were all completely still before Stacie's father had thrown a punch that Beca blocked before kicking him in the back and they were off into a fight. They had all taken several hits and kicks but the adult of course got the upper hand several minutes later and tossed Beca through the air followed by Amelia, the latter landing right on top of her.

"Kill me," Beca groaned out in pain as she felt Amelia's elbow lodged in her ribs.

"Use their weight to your advantage," Mr. Mitchell informed right as Beca shoved Amelia off her. "Let's go again."

And so they did. The two sisters looked at one another before getting up and starting all over. Their father had said they weren't done until they got at lease three of them down which took them about an hour and half to do. When they finally did it, they collapsed and just let their bodies relax. They wouldn't even move when it was Stacie and Jesse's turn to go, the two of them literally pulling Beca and Amelia to the side and out of the way by their arms.

The rest of the weekend went exactly like the first few hours. They got up early in the morning and ate breakfast before they had a long training session where they learned to fight and and different offensive and defensive techniques. Then they had a break before Beca's father taught them in a school-like situation where he taught them what all goes on in their world in a more thorough way, answered any questions they had, and went over the laws and system of hierarchy. It was a lot like a legal system but with not as much bullshit. The laws were actually placed to benefit both parties of the supernatural world and the humans.

The weekend was to be taken seriously, but there were also a lot of laughs, jokes, pranks and just family bonding as a whole pack. Beca didn't realize how much she really needed it; none of them did, but by the end, they definitely felt better and more confident in each other.

Existential (Bechloe)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz