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"How does your head feel?" Chloe asked as she started her car, Beca throwing her bag in the back.

"I feel perfectly fine now," the brunette announced as she moved to turn the radio on while Chloe backed out of her parking space. "I have no idea why I got a headache the way I did, but it's like it never happened."

Chloe looked out of her side mirror before putting the car in drive. "That's really weird, Bec, but I guess if everything is fine, you don't need to get it checked out."

"I wasn't going to, to begin with," Beca replied with a smile and Chloe scoffed.

"What if something was really wrong?" she questioned, glancing at the shorter woman who was looking out the window.

"Then someone would have noticed," Beca laughed and poked Chloe's side which made her jump.

"We could have wrecked!" she laughed as she reached over to grab at her own side. "Why'd you do that?"

"You looked too cute," the 16 year old smiled smugly and Chloe shook her head.

"You're just full of yourself," she replied and Beca responded by turning the music up and singing along to whatever song came on.

About 15 minutes later, they pulled into Chloe's driveway and jumped out, headed straight into the house where they spoke to her parents before they left.

"What do you say we order some pizza and spend the evening watching movies?" Chloe suggested, knowing good and well Beca only watched movies with her.

"Or we can order pizza and play monopoly," Beca smirked from the couch and Chloe widened her eyes as she sat on Beca's stomach without warning.

"Do you want to end our relationship?" she asked staring down at the brunette who smirked and raised an eyebrow.

"And what relationship is that, exactly?" Beca questioned causing the older woman to look away as her cheeks turned a light shade of pink. "Acquaintances? Classmates? Dare I say it?" She moved her hands to wrap them around Chloe's waist as she slowly sat up.

"Beca, don't," Chloe begged, knowing what was coming next.

"Best friends?" Beca asked before quickly lifting the redhead up and laying her down on the couch as she sat on top of her. Beca listened to the laughter that came from Chloe as she tickled her sides, loving their "Bechloe" moment as their friends called it.

"Please stop!" she begged and Beca ignored her wishes. Instead, she brought her hands underneath Chloe's shirt to really get her sides. As soon as the action got to her, Chloe bucked her hips to try and push the brunette off but to no avail. Instead, the 16 year old halted her actions and smiled down at a heavy breathing redhead.

"I'm out of breath," she barely got out, looking at Beca's lips.

The brunette instinctively licked her lips as she too, looked down at her friend's lips. They were just friends. Really good friends. She couldn't kiss her friend, could she? They've been friends since they were in elementary school along with Jesse, Stacie and Aubrey. They've lived on the same street since Beca moved there when she was five years old. They've always stuck up for each other and they were always closer than all their other friends. Chloe was there for her when Beca realized she was gay; she was the first person she told. They were 14 and the redhead let Beca in through her window late at night and held onto her while she cried. Chloe was there for her when her brother died before her life went to hell and pushed everyone but the redhead away.

She was her best friend.

"Beca?" Chloe whispered and Beca hummed in response, still looking down at her lips. "Kiss me."

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