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"Where's Chloe?" Benji asked and they all gave him a death stare.

"She's with Jake," Beca mumbled. It had been a week since Beca went to Chloe's house and nearly poured her heart out to her. Maybe it was a good thing she never got the chance to because since then, Chloe and Jake had started dating.

"Oh," Benji replied. "I'm sorry I asked. I forgot."

"It's all good, Benji," the brunette forced a smile. "I have to get over it at some point."

"Which is why we're here," Emily stepped up to lace her arm in Beca's. "We're at the mall, on a Friday afternoon and nothing else better to do. I saw we go see a movie."

"Let's go see FacePunch," Jesse shouted and Amelia agreed with him.

"No," the all said and continued walking down the mall and into the food court. It was a pretty busy day seeing as it was the weekend and every teenager loved to hang out at the mall. Aubrey and Stacie had come up with the plan to take Beca to the mall and spend the evening to get her mind off things which was sort of working.

"What about a movie not so...violent?" Aubrey suggested. "What about Limitations?"

"Not a chickflick," Jesse whined.

"You're outnumbered," Benji said and they all turned to him. "What? I enjoy a good romcom."

"Aww," Emily threw her arms around him and kissed his cheek. They had also recently started dating as well which everyone was happy that he finally popped the question so they didn't have to listen to either of them on how much they wanted to date the other.

"Great," Jesse groaned and they all laughed as they made their way to the end of the mall where the movie theater was located.

They waited their turn in a semi-long line before grabbing their tickets and drinks and popcorn and heading into the theater. Per tradition, they went up to the very top and Beca grabbed Aubrey's twirler she had in her hand before eating it. The blonde just gasped and smacked her arm before turning back to Stacie to finish their conversation. First came the 15 minutes of previews in the dark room and then the movie finally started.

Maybe she shouldn't have seen the romcom because 45 minutes in and she was letting her tears silently fall. Her eyes scanned the room before hearing a familiar sniffle. Five rows down and a little to her right sat her best friend and her new boyfriend with his arm wrapped around her shoulders.

She couldn't do it. She tried. But she couldn't. Did she wait too long? Did she miss her chance to be with Chloe? Was Chloe still mad at her? Whatever the answer, she felt like several tons of cement was sitting on her chest.

She quietly got up and carefully stepped over her friends before making her way down the movie theater stairs. The tears were falling as fast as she was wiping them and she couldn't get out of there quicker.

When she rounded the corner, she sprinted for the door and leaned against the wall in the hallway.

"Fuck," she cried as her breathing picked up and her chest was heaving up and down. Luckily the hallway was empty except for a couple who walked into the theater. Beca didn't notice them as she slid her back down the wall, her knees up to her chest and her elbows resting on top as she ran her fingers through her hair.

It was like she couldn't move. Her heart was causing her so much pain and she hated it.

"Beca?" She barely heard but was more focused on how much she was hyperventilating.

The next thing she registered was Chloe's very distinct perfume.

"Look at me, what's wrong?" Chloe said softly as she gently put her hand under the brunette's chin and lifted up her chin. She was sitting on her knees in front of Beca and when the latter made eye contact with Chloe, she broke even more and pulled away.

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