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"Hey, Bree," Stacie said as she she sat down on the grass beside her girlfriend. "It took me a while to find you. Since when do you skip class?"

The blonde widened her eyes and frantically started gathering her books and notes. "Is free period over already? I need to get to class."

"Hey, hey I was just joking," Stacie laughed as she put an arm on Aubrey to sit her back down. "We still have 20 minutes or so."

"Oh," Aubrey mumbled. "What's up?"

Stacie stretched out her legs and leaned on her arms in the grass. "Nothing much, just bored and wanting attention."

Aubrey couldn't help but laugh and lay down beside her girlfriend, intertwining their fingers. "I'm sorry, Stacie. I have this big exam coming up and don't wait to fail it."

"Would it be so bad if you did?" the brunette laughed but quickly shut her mouth when Aubrey glared at her. "I'm joking, only joking. Besides," she paused to wrap her arms around the blonde to bring her closer to her. "You have a 4.0 GPA. I think you'll be okay."

Silence fell over the two women and they enjoyed it, basking in the rather warm sunny day for it to still be winter. In fact, it was snowing just the other day. Today, nearly all the snow was gun, melted by the warm sub rays.

"Can I ask you something?" Aubrey started and Stacie immediately knew what conversation they were about to have.

After her talk with Beca yesterday, she knew she wasn't going to tell Aubrey about what she was. She couldn't risk her getting hurt and she didn't know what she would do if something happened to her. Aubrey didn't deserve that. Nobody did. That being said, she was pacing in her room last night, wondering if she should bring it up to her at all or just let Aubrey come to her and ask what was going on when she was ready and felt the need to. it was around three in the morning when she decided she was going to be the one to start the conversation. She had it all planned out- at least how she was going to go about it. Guess that's not an option now; Aubrey beat her to it.

"Yeah, of course you can," Stacie said as she stared straight ahead, the blonde resting her head on her chest.

Stacie heard Aubrey's heart start to beat faster and faster and she held her tighter, hoping it would help some.

"I trust you, let me just start there," Aubrey said taking in a breath. Did she think Stacie was cheating on her? In the realm of possibilities of why Stacie was hiding something, that was the easiest conclusion to come to. "I just feel like you're hiding something from me. You don't owe me anything really, I just want to make sure everything is okay."

Stacie inhaled and thought about what she was going to say. She didn't have to think hard on it. She actually didn't know why she was taking so long. Was she nervous? Yes. Yes, she was.

"Everything is okay, I promise," she said and the blonde looked up at her. "I'm sorry I'm making you feel like I'm hiding something from you. That was never how I wanted to make you feel."

"So you are hiding something?" Aubrey asked sitting up but not sounding mad or anything. She just sounded like...Aubrey.

Stacie sat up and exhaled. "Yes." She watched as her girlfriend's face fell, her unreadable expression changing to sadness. "I've never lied to you and I'm not about to start now. So yes, I am hiding something from you but I can't tell you, baby."

"Are you cheating on me?" She asked and Stacie's eyes widened.

"No, no I'm not I promise. This has nothing to do with us, but me, okay? I can't tell you so you're just going to have to trust me."

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